Showing Records: 11 - 20 of 545
Certificate, Medical Examination of Lieut. Col. Samuel Paul, Signed Medical Director of the 2nd Division, Army of the Potomac, Richmond, February 5 (Ms1992-003)
Digital Record
Identifier: Ms1992_003_PrestonRobertT_B1F13_MedCertificate_0205
Certificate, Medical Leave, Signed: O. W. Hearn, March 7, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Digital Record
Identifier: Ms1992_003_PrestonRobertT_B1F8_HearnOW_1862_0307
Certificate, Pardon for Joseph H. Hoge by Andrew Johnson, Washington D. C., August, 1865 (Ms1988-047)
Digital Record
Identifier: Ms1988_047_EllettFamily_PardonCopy_HogeJamesH_1865_0529
1865 - 1961
Certificate, Pardon signed by President Andrew Johnson granting Preston a "full pardon and amnesty for all offenses by him committed, arising from participation, direct or implied, in the said rebellion...," September 10, 1865 (Ms1992-003)
Digital Record
Identifier: Ms1992_003_PrestonRobertT_Pardon_1865_0910
Certificate, Virginia State Library, Robert T. Ellett, October 14, 1949 (Ms1988-047)
Digital Record
Identifier: Ms1988_047_EllettFamily_VAStateLibraryCertif_1949_1014
1865 - 1961
Charles L. C. Minor Cash Book and Edward P. Harmon Civil War Diary, 1860-1864 (Ms2008-081)
Digital Record
Identifier: Ms2008-081_MinorHarmon_Diary_1860-1864
1860 - 1864
Circular, Monthly Returns tomorrow. By order of Brig. Genl. Bonham, Signed: Geo. N. Lay, Head Quarters, Advanced Forces, Army of the Potomac, Fairfax C.H., June 29, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Digital Record
Identifier: Ms1992_003_PrestonRobertT_B1F6_Order_MonthlyRetrn_1861_0629
Contract, Copy from Mr Baylor, February 18, 1896 (Ms1988-047)
Digital Record
Identifier: Ms1988_047_EllettFamily_1896_0218_
1865 - 1961
Copybook, Milton S. Koontz, 1863 (Ms1984-172)
Digital Record
Identifier: Ms1984-172_Copybook_1863
Deed, Copy to Daddaw, n.d. (Ms1988-047)
Digital Record
Identifier: Ms1988_047_EllettFamily_DeedCopy_1875_1109_
1865 - 1961
Filtered By
- Subject: United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 544
- Local/Regional History and Appalachian South 415
- Montgomery County (Va.) 353
- Blacksburg (Va.) 256
- Military orders 182
- Letters 171
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Diaries 117
- Women -- History 49
- Virginia -- History 46
- Petersburg (Va.) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 39
- Petersburg (Va.) -- History -- Siege, 1864-1865 37
- Diaries 23
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Regimental Histories -- Wisconsin 8
- Certificates 7
- Receipts (financial records) 7
- Correspondence 3
- African Americans -- History 1
- Antietam, Battle of, Md., 1862 1
- Clipping 1
- Cloyds Mountain, Battle of, Va., 1864 1
- Faculty and staff 1
- History of Food and Drink 1
- Invitations 1
- Legal instruments (Legal documents) 1
- Lynchburg, Battle of, Lynchburg, Va., 1864 1
- New River Bridge, Battle of, Va., 1864 1
- New York (N.Y.) -- History -- 1775-1865 1
- New York (State) -- History -- 1775-1865 1
- Registers -- Military 1
- Sketchbooks 1
- Tazewell County (Va.) 1
- University History 1
- West Virginia 1
- Winchester, 3rd Battle of, Winchester, Va., 1864 1 + ∧ less
- Names
- Preston family (Solitude, Blacksburg, Va.) 256
- Preston, Robert Taylor, 1809-1880 256
- Ellett, Robert Thaddeus, 1836-1904 97
- Koontz family 49
- Conway, Battaile Fitzhugh Taliaferro 44
- Conway, Catlett, 1840-1920 44
- Conway, Henry 44
- Conway, John C. 44
- Conway, Mary Wallace 44
- Conway, William Buchanan, 1845-1920 44
- Leonard, William A., b.1843(?) 37
- Beauregard, G. T., General (Gustave Toutant), 1818-1893 18
- Carnahan, John Newton, 1824-1862 16
- Longstreet, James, 1821-1904 11
- Early, Jubal Anderson, 1816-1894 7
- Harville, John McBride, 1839-1913 7
- Allison, James Polk, b.1843(?)-1863 5
- Allison, John P. 5
- Allison, William Henry, d.1863 5
- Floyd, John B. (John Buchanan), 1806-1863 5
- Hutchins, Everett (Edward Everett), 1842-1864 3
- Johnson, Andrew, 1808-1875 2
- Lee, Robert E. (Robert Edward), 1807-1870 2
- Peck, Benjamin M., 1838-1899 2
- Virginia and Tennessee Railroad Company 2
- Babcock, Willis A., b. abt. 1840-? 1
- Breckinridge, John C. (John Cabell), 1821-1875 1
- Burnell, Henry L., 1841-1912 (8th Maine Volunteer Infanry) 1
- Cleveland family (Wisconsin) 1
- Cleveland, Alva, b.1805 1
- Cohn, Jacob 1
- Cottingim, M. M., d.1862 (2nd Regiment, Mississippi Infantry) 1
- Cox, Isaac Carroll, 1843-1925 1
- Dean, Otis, 1821-1907 1
- Derrick, Clarence, 1837-1907 1
- Gray, Henry L. 1
- Hancock, John H., c.1841-1913 1
- Harmon, Edward P., c.1844-1888 1
- Holliday, John (91st Ohio Volunteer Infantry) 1
- Hook, Christian 1
- Hutchins, Warren, d.1864 1
- J. E. Cooley, General Commission Merchant (New York, (N.Y.)) 1
- Kelsey, Stephen R. 1
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 1
- Lowber, Daniel A., 1844-1902 1
- Mantor, Alfred L., abt. 1836(?)-1864 1
- Marshall, George H., c.1835-1919 1
- Martin, Thomas R., b. abt. 1848? 1
- Mason, Ebenezer E., 1829-1910 1
- Maybury, John R., 1828-1917 1
- Miles, James, d.1865 1
- Minor, Charles L. C., 1835-1903 1
- Murdoch, Francis A., b.1847 1
- Pittenger, William, 1838-1896 1
- Smiley, Jacob Wallace, 1833-1864 1
- Squire, Henry (Co. D, 72nd New York Infantry) 1
- Stephens, Enoch, b. abt. 1835 1
- Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College (1872-1896) 1
- Warner, Marcus B., b. abt. 1842 1
- Wilson, Jeffrey Thomas, 1843-1929 1 + ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more