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Series XI. Subject Files, 1924 - 1981


Scope and Contents

This series includes Herrick's files on a variety of subjects. These materials reflect his professional and personal interests, including early computers, minor planets, space exploration, and piano music. Notable materials include Aeronutronic Systems Division-Ford files, Technical Study #3, mathematics publications, Jet Propulsion Laboratory reports, files on Betulia, Icarus, Geographos, and Jupiter IX and XII, Minor Planet Center Notices, and notes... on navigation.

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  • 1924 - 1981


Language of Materials

From the Collection:

Most of the materials in this collection are in English. Some materials in Series VI. Professional Societies, Series VII. Publications, and Series XI. Subject Files are in French, German, Russian, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, or Japanese.

Conditions Governing Access

The collection is open for research with the exception of Box 74, which is restricted for use. Items in Box 74 are restricted for use until 75 years after date of creation.


From the Collection: ca. 85 Cubic Feet (74 boxes, 1 oversize folder)

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This series has been further divided into the following sub-series:

Sub-Series A. Aeronutronics Systems Division (ASD), includes numbered files on various technical and organization matters, proposals, and projects. They are part of Herrick's series of Aeronutronic Systems Division-Ford files. Topics include, but are not limited to, a project planning committee, orbits for Vargo-Boeing, Navy direction presentation, and geodetic position determination.

Sub-Series B. Computers and Electronic Calculations, includes manuals on early computers such as EDVAC and ZEPHYR, Monroe calculator, SWAC memoranda, coding sheets, differential analyzer operation and problems, and Technical Study #3.

Sub-Series C. Mathematics, consists of materials relating to mathematical techniques, including Chebyshev polynomials, Hansen's method of general perturbations, numerical analysis and integration, data smoothing, theoretical mechanics, Encke's method, astronomical and gravitational constants, and universal variables.

Sub-Series D. Minor Planets and Objects, has been divided further. Materials in this sub-series and its divisions have been alphabetized.

  • The Betulia Files contain materials relating to the asteroid (1580) Betulia, named for Samuel Herrick's wife, Betulia Toro Herrick. This includes an article, calculations, correspondence, ephemerides, numerical integration, observations, elements, oppositions, and representations.
  • The Icarus Files contain materials relating to the near-Earth object (1566) Icarus, including ephemerides, residuals, correspondence, history and facts, observations, orbit graphs, and publications.
  • The Geographos Files contain materials relating to the asteroid (1620) Geographos, including early Encke orbit files, elements, ellipse graphs, ephemerides, general information, publicity, variation of parameters, and possible exploration.
  • The Jupiter IX and Jupiter XII Files contain materials relating to Jupiter IX (an irregular satellite of Jupiter now known as Sinope) and Jupiter XII (an irregular moon of Jupiter now known as Ananke). This includes Cowell integrations, ephemeris, graphs, basic calculations, history, general information, variation of constants, observations and representations, and publicity.
  • Items not included in the above files consist of materials relating to other minor planets and objects, such as Lanzia, the Swift comet, and the Wilson object. This includes graphs and calculations, articles, observations, general information, history, ephemerides, opposition graphs, formulae, and procedures. Also included are Minor Planet Center Notices 151 through 2800, and 3535 through 3602.

Sub-Series E. Space Exploration, is made up of materials relating to space exploration, including space travel and navigation. This includes foreign journal articles on orbit determination, meeting minutes of NASA Earth model (1961), notes on "fly-by" orbits, artificial satellites, space colonies, UCLA moon base study, grid navigation, navigation methods, Project Mercury, precision satellite orbit correction, and planetary position data requirements for space vehicle trajectory computations.

Items not included in the above sub-series are general subject files consisting of Herrick's personal materials, such as piano sheet music, notes, and a bill of sale.

Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech Repository

Special Collections and University Archives, University Libraries (0434)
560 Drillfield Drive
Newman Library, Virginia Tech
Blacksburg Virginia 24061 US