Ambrotype of Robert E. Lee (Hand-Tinted), n.d.
Scope and Content
This collection contains the papers of Homer E. Davis, an American Civil War enthusiast whose hobby was documenting and photographing the gravesites of Civil War generals and other historical figures and celebrities. The collection is divided among the following series: Cemeteries and Gravesites, Historical Organizations, Printed Material, Memorabilia, Personal Materials and Oversize Materials.
The Cemeteries and Gravesites series represents the core of the collection and is arranged in two subseries. The Gravesite Research subseries contains materials gathered by Davis during his research on various cemeteries and other historic sites (homes, battlefields, monuments, etc.) as well as individuals. The files provide details--including maps and brochures--on cemeteries throughout the United States and often contain biographical information on the interred. Also included are a few files of correspondence with other cemetery researchers and files on cemetery topics that are not location-specific. The Gravesite Images subseries contains more than 12,000 black-and-white gravesite photos. Nearly every photo includes brief biographical information on its verso. The photographs are complemented by approximately 800 color slides. Negatives are included as well.
The Historical Organizations series contains materials accumulated by Davis during his membership in various organizations and includes such materials as correspondence, memoranda, rosters, notes and printed materials (newsletters). The series is arranged in four subseries: American Revolution Roundtable of the District of Columbia; Civil War Roundtable of Alexandria, Virginia; Civil War Roundtable of the District of Columbia; and Other Historical Organizations.
The Printed Materials series contains such items as booklets and magazine articles (including items related to Civil War topics but not to research for the cemetery project or the roundtables) and catalogs from dealers in Civil War publications and memorabilia.
The Memorabilia series includes Civil War commemorative items as well as relics from the Civil War era.
The few materials in the collection that relate to Davis' personal life may be found in the Personal Materials series. The series contains such things as correspondence, invitations and biographical information.
The Oversize Materials series consists of items pulled from the other series because they were too large to be inter-filed with other items in those series.
- n.d.
- From the Collection: Davis, Homer E. (Collector, Person)
Language of Materials
The materials in the collection are in English.
Conditions Governing Access
The collection is open to research.
From the Collection: 16 Linear Feet (35 boxes, 3 oversize folders)
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech Repository
Special Collections and University Archives, University Libraries (0434)
560 Drillfield Drive
Newman Library, Virginia Tech
Blacksburg Virginia 24061 US