Maps. Map Collection
Found in 838 Collections and/or Records:
Town of Blacksburg Zoning Map
Map shows different zones within the town of Blacksburg, Virginia.
Town of Christiansburg, Virginia
Map shows roadways in Christiansburg, Virginia.
Township Map of the States of New Hampshire and Vermont
Map shows the townships, counties and states of New Hampshire and Vermont, circa 1891.
Triassic Formation Including the Red Sandstone and Trap Rocks of Central New Jersey
Map shows triassic formations in New Jersey, with an explanatory table of colors and some relevant cross-sections.
Ultonia Hibernis Cuj-Gujlly Anglis Ulster (Reproduction)
"Vltonia Hibernis CujGully Anglis Vlster." Reproduction of map of Ulster, Northern Ireland, by Dutch cartographer Joan Blaeu (1596-1673). Colored, text in Latin. Dated 1654.
United States of America, Southern Part
Map encompasses area from the mouth of the Mississippi River to the Chesapeake Bay. Map is hand-colored and is from Pinkerton's A Modern Atlas.
Va Polytechnic Institute Abattoir and Piggery (Plans and Elevations)
Document shows the Abattoir and Piggery plans and elevations at VPI, circa 1902.
Va. Polytechnic Institute, Plan of Steam Mains and Returns and Contours
Map shows steam mains and returns, along with the topography near the boiler plant on the Virginia Polytechnic Institute campus.
Map of Virginia, with parts of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Tennessee, and North Carolina (independent and not part of 'Carolina'), which comes from George Washington Colton's 1855 Atlas of the World.
Virginia and Maryland as it is Planted and Inhabited This Present Year 1670 (reproduction)
This 1970 reproduction consists of the geographic regions of Virginia and Maryland as charted in 1670, and it contains illustrations of the cartographer, native peoples, and a coat of arms.