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Box 1


Contains 142 Results:

Jacob Baumgardsen to Joseph Dickson, September 22, 1801

 Item — Box: 1, Folder: 2
Scope and Contents note

Jacob Baumgardsen to Joseph Dickson about receiving eight pounds cash.

Dates: September 22, 1801

J. Patton and Jas. Richards to Joseph Dickson., November 30, 1804, April 27, 1807

 Item — Box: 1, Folder: 2
Scope and Contents note

J. Patton to Joseph Dickson for flour sold; Jas. Richards to Joseph Dickson, asking him to send a hat (?) he left for Dickson with Samuel Ruiker or Jas. Kincaid.

Dates: November 30, 1804, April 27, 1807

Robt. Steele(?) to Joseph Dickson, November 10, 1807

 Item — Box: 1, Folder: 2
Scope and Contents note

Robt. Steele(?) to Joseph Dickson about a possible breach of contract with Miss Cathe McClung.

Dates: November 10, 1807

Charles Mislock(?) to Joseph Dickson

 Item — Box: 1, Folder: 2
Scope and Contents note

Charles Mislock(?) to Capt. Joseph Dickson about shodding a horse and drawing blood on a sick man (n.d.).

Dates: 1775-1807, n.d.

Robert Humphreys to unknown

 Item — Box: 1, Folder: 2
Scope and Contents note

Robert Humphreys to unknown about a bed he wishes to buy from Mr. [Joseph] Dickson (n.d.).

Dates: 1775-1807, n.d.

John Henry to Joseph Dickson

 Item — Box: 1, Folder: 2
Scope and Contents note

John Henry asking Joseph Dickson to let Mr. Jno. Hide have the cow Henry left at Dickson's house (n.d.).

Dates: 1775-1807, n.d.

Documents about Enslaved People, 1793 - 1810

 Sub-Series — Box: 1, Folder: 3
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The papers consist largely of land, property, and goods transaction receipts and documents of each of the four generations of the family represented. Certificates, oaths, correspondence, deeds, and a diary are included in Joseph Dickson's papers, along with several sale documents for enslaved people from the late 1700s and early 1800s. Much of the land and goods, and many of the enslaved people were exchanged with neighbors and others in the area. Most of Joseph Dickson's documents are...
Dates: 1793 - 1810

Sale of Gib, an Enslaved Person, August 3, 1793

 Item — Box: 1, Folder: 3
Scope and Contents note

Sale of an enslaved man named Gib from John Dean to Joseph Dickson for £65.

Dates: August 3, 1793

Note of Payment for Patten, an Enslaved Person, March 23, 1796

 Item — Box: 1, Folder: 3
Scope and Contents note

Note of payment due for hiring an enslaved person named Patten from John Carpenter to Joseph Dickson.

Dates: March 23, 1796

Agreement about Nan, an Enslaved Person, September 21, 1796

 Item — Box: 1, Folder: 3
Scope and Contents note

Agreement between Jno. H. Flood(?) and Joseph Dickson as to the transfer of an enslaved woman named Nan and two children for $5.

Dates: September 21, 1796