Box 1
Contains 142 Results:
Contract, September 29, 1795
Contract for Joseph Dickson, Jacob Vanosdol, Levin Gibson, and Samuel Kincaid to appraise the estate of James Humphries deceased and make a report to the court.
Contract, September 27, 1796
Contract of Joseph Dickson to pay John Ederds(?) twenty-five pounds owed.
Contract, February 28, 1797
Contract of John Atkinson of Greenbrier County, Virginia, to pay Joseph Dickson 1000 pounds owed.
Acknowledgement, August 16, 1803
Acknowledgement of John Dickson's receipt of "an old pocket book containing two Bonds" from John Staufler(?) and Jno. Deem.
Contract, February 6, 1804
Contract of indenture of Joseph Dickson's son George to apprentice as a gunsmith to Nathaniel Kelly.
Contract, September 19, 1804
Contract to release Joseph Dickson of a debt of 350 pounds to Richard Dickson of Greenbrier County, Virginia, due to the loss of the previous contract.
Deed, August 14, 1822
Deed of release from Nancy Dickson, widow of Joseph, to relinquish all rights to the provisions made in her husband's will, turn over his estate to her son Robert, and live off an allowance allocated by her son.
Transfer of land, July 22, 1772
Transfer of a tract of land from John McClinachan to John Davis for twenty-seven pounds.
Sale of land, June 9, 1773
Sale of a tract of land from John Davis to Joseph Dixon for thirty-seven pounds.
Copy of a grant
Copy of a grant from 1774 to James Ewing for a tract of land in Botetourt County, Virginia, from John Earl of Dunmore.