Box 1
Contains 142 Results:
Receipt, November 20, 1806
Receipt for a "patton of land" of seventy acres from Joseph Dickson to Jacob Winslow(?).
Contract, July 7, 1817
Contract to rent land to James Mayer from Joseph Dickson.
Memorandum concerning obtaining a copy of Ewings deed from the Greenbrier office, and distributing it to Edward Rumsey, Allen Taylor, William Morris, and James Byrnside (n.d.).
Receipt, January 25, 1775
Receipt from the sale of a white mare from Joseph Dickson to John Young for seven pounds.
Contract, March 25, 1788
Contract for the sale of a "hourse" from Honery Childers(?) to Joseph Dickson.
Receipt, August 13, 1788
Receipt of the sale of a mare from Joseph Dickson to William Jeres(?) in exchange for work done by Jeres.
Contract, September 23, 1788
Contract for transfer of two mares and a horse William Crawford received from Joseph Dickson.
Receipt, January 7, 1789
Receipt for transfer of a bay horse from Henry Banks to John Nivins.
Receipt, May 19, 1789
Receipt for a bay mare sold by Joseph Dickson to Samuel Miller.
Receipt, April 17, 1790
Receipt for the payment of forty shillings for work done by Richard Masters for Joseph Dickson.