Showing Collections: 1 - 2 of 2
John Early Confederate Army Receipt for the Work of Fletcher, an Enslaved Person
Identifier: Ms-2015-037
This collection contains a partially printed receipt for the labor of an enslaved person delivered to Chief Engineer Lt. Col. William H. Stevens in charge of Confederate fortifications outside of Richmond, Virginia, on November 11, 1862. The receipt notes that Stevens received one enslaved person by the name of Fletcher from John Early.
November 11, 1862
Lynchburg, Virginia, Impressment Document for John, an Enslaved Person
Identifier: Ms-2011-048
This collection consists of a receipt for the impressment of John, an enslaved person, in Lynchburg, Virginia, for work on the city's fortifications in October 1863.
October 1, 1863
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- Names: Stevens, W. H., Colonel (Chief Engineer, D.N.V.) X
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- Names
- Mason, E. E. 1
- Nance, Jane 1
- Prease, William H. 1