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Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 77

Records of the Office of Academic Affairs, Leslie F. Malpass, Alfred Krebs, and Donald C. Darnton

 Record Group
Identifier: RG-05-01-02
Scope and Content This collection consists primarily of correspondence and records of Leslie F. Malpass, Alfred Krebs, and Donald C. Darnton from the Office of Academic Affairs at Virginia Tech. The bulk is from Malpass' tenure as Vice-President for Academic Affairs (1968-1974), but there also are materials from Alfred H. Krebs' tenure as director of Summer School (1970-1972) and as Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs under Malpass (1972-1974) and from Donald C. Darnton's tenure as Director of...
Dates: 1961 - 1977; Majority of material found within ( 1965-1976)

Annotated List of Virginia Flora

Identifier: Ms-2022-005

This collection contains a typed list of Virginia flora, with handwritten annotations, processed for the Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, possibly by A. B. Massey.

Dates: undated

Anti-Asian Panic and the Pandemic: A Virtual Teach-In Collection

Identifier: MS-2020-003

The Anti-Asian Panic and the Pandemic: A Virtual Teach-In Collection includes video, audio, and text files recorded by Zoom for the teach-in event. It also includes the event flyer, notes on Coronavirus discrimination in the news, and a follow-up reading list.

Dates: 2020-03 - 2020-04

Polly Ashelman Collection on the John McLaren McBryde Family

Identifier: Ms-2019-017

The Polly Ashelman Collection on the John McLaren McBryde Family, Ms 2019-017, contains items from former VPI President McBryde. Before becoming the fifth president of the university, McBryde attended South Carolina College, the University of Virginia, and served in the confederate army. McBryde recieved medals from South Carolina College and UVA as well as gifts during his presidency which are included in this collection.

Dates: 1911-1913

Records of the Office of the President, Paul B. Barringer

 Record Group
Identifier: RG-02-06
Scope and Content This collection contains mainly incoming and outgoing correspondence (1907-1913) concerning college activities and issues of Barringer's administration. Topics include academic standards; hazing; Hog Cholera outbreak (1908); fires; prohibition; water/sewage system; refrigeration plant; and advantages and dangers of football. A few letters from Barringer are to United States presidents: Theodore Roosevelt; William Howard Taft; and Woodrow Wilson. Also included with the collection are the...
Dates: 1900 - 1914

Records of the Office of Vice-President and the Office of Executive Vice-President, Warren W. Brandt

 Record Group
Identifier: RG-03-04
Abstract This collection consists primarily of the correspondence of Warren W. Brandt in his capacity as Vice-President of Academic Affairs (1966-1968). However, it also includes many of his files from his period as Executive Vice-President (1968-1969) as well as material from his term as Vice-President and Dean of the Graduate School (1963-1965). There is material and correspondence concerning budget matters, Center for Research in College Instruction of Science and Math, Corps of Cadets, the Dean...
Dates: 1958 - 1969

Records of the Office of the President, Julian A. Burruss

 Record Group
Identifier: RG-02-08

The bulk of the collection contains correspondence concerning Julian Ashby Burruss' tenure as president of Virginia Polytechnic Institute, as well as lecture notes, reports to the Board of Trustees of the State Normal School, and Experiment Station reports.

Dates: 1906 - 1946

C. P. "Sally" Miles, Portrait

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: Art-138
Scope and Contents

C.P. 'Sally' Miles, Director of Athletics and Graduate Manager - 25 years

Dates: n.d.

Carol M. Newman, Portrait

 Collection — Frame: 1
Identifier: Art-103

Dean Carter Papers

Identifier: Ms-2021-046

This collection contains administrative and teaching records, such as art course materials, departmental correspondence, photographs, and art exhibition materials from Dean Carter (1922-2013), professor and former head of the Art Department at Virginia Tech from 1950-1992.

Dates: 1950 - 2003; Majority of material found within 1964 - 1982

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  • Subject: Faculty X
  • Subject: University Archives X

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University History 72
Students and alumni 13
Record Group 2 10
Local/Regional History and Appalachian South 9
Science and Technology 5
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Virginia Polytechnic Institute (1944-1970) 33
Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute (1896-1944) 28
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (1970-) 26
Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College (1872-1896) 8
Brown, Ralph Minthorne, 1878-1958 3
∨ more
Hutcheson, John Redd, 1886-1962 3
Lavery, William Edward 3
McBryde, John McLaren, 1841-1923 3
Newman, Walter S. (Walter Stephenson), 1895-1978 3
Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station 3
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. College of Education (1971-1996) 3
Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Board of Visitors 3
Eggleston, J. D. (Joseph Dupuy), 1867-1953 2
Hahn, T. Marshall, Jr. (Thomas Marshall), 1926-2016 2
Krebs, Alfred H. 2
Miles, Clarence Paul, 1879-1966 2
Radford College 2
Rasche, M. W. (Mary W.) 2
Robb, Seymour, 1901-1961 2
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Board of Visitors 2
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. College of Arts and Sciences (1970-2003) 2
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Learning Resources Center 2
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Office of the President 2
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Office of the Provost 2
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. University Libraries 2
Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Office of Vice-President of Academic Affairs 2
Alwood, William Bradford, 1859-1946 1
Bailey, Ilena M. 1
Barringer, Paul B. 1
Bechanan, H. Gordon 1
Blythe, Erv 1
Bocock, Thomas S., 1815-1891 1
Brandt, Warren William, 1923-2017 1
Burruss, Julian Ashby, 1876-1947 1
Carper(?), Marie E. 1
Carter, Dean, 1922-2013 1
Castleman, John Rolfe , 1895-1983 1
Christian, George L. 1
Counselman, J. S. (John Sanders) 1
Darnton, Donald C. 1
Drinkard, Alfred Washington, Jr. 1
Edgemont Farm 1
Farrier, Paul H. (Paul Henry), b.1894 1
Farrier, Pence 1
Flood, Kate 1
French, C. Clement (Charles Clement), 1901-1988 1
Furr, Guy Littleton, 1895-1977 1
Gherman, Paul M. 1
Ha, Nina 1
Hampden-Sydney College 1
Harmon, Edward P., c.1844-1888 1
Harrison, P. 1
Haskell-Speer, Jean 1
Huffman, Stanley A., Jr. 1
Hutcheson, Eleanor Parrott 1
Hutcheson, T. B. (Thomas Barksdale), 1882-1950 1
John R. Hutcheson family 1
Johnston, J. Ambler (James Ambler), 1885-1974 1
Kinzey, Bertram Y., Jr. (Bertram York) (1921-2019) 1
Lane, James H., 1833-1907 1
Lee, Claudius, 1872-1962 1
Malpass, Leslie F. 1
Massey, A. B. (Arthur Ballard) 1
Mathews, Mabel Earl 1
McBryde family 1
McBryde, Charles Neil, Dr., 1872-1962 1
McBryde, Larry 1
McComas, James D. 1
McKeefery, William James, 1918- 1
Meszaros, Peggy S. (Peggy Sisk), 1938-2017 1
Metz, Paul, 1948- 1
Minor, Charles L. C., 1835-1903 1
Murray, John, 1909-2002 1
Nespor, Jan 1
Newman, J. Preston (James Preston), 1913-1982 1
O'Shaughnessy, Louis 1
Pacifici, Jesuha 1
Paul H. Farrier family 1
Phlegar, Harvey Lee, 1862-1952 1
Price, Robert C. 1
Rasche, William Henry, 1875-1951 1
Robeson, Frank Leigh, 1884-1974 1
Rowe, C. Eugene, d.1987 1
Rudolph, Gerald A. 1
Sanders, Mark 1
Shepherd, Virginius E., 1827-1896 1
Shirk, Frank 1
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia 1
Strother, Warren, d.2006 1
Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute. Board of Visitors 1
Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute. Office of the Dean of Students 1
Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute. Office of the Dean of the College (1919-1944) 1
Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College. Board of Trustees 1
Virginia Cooperative Extension Service 1
Virginia Engineering Experiment Station 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Center for Interdisciplinary Studies. Religious Studies Program 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. College of Engineering (1964-) 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. College of Liberal Arts & Human Sciences 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences. School of Education (2004-present) 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Department of Art and Art History 1
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