Showing Collections: 51 - 60 of 74
Geraldine Pontius Architectural Collection
The Geraldine Pontius Architectural Collection contains individual renderings and drawing sets for 24 projects worked on by Pontius and 3 construction drawing sets she collected while working at I.M. Pei and Partners.
Berta Rahm Architectural Collection
Berta Rahm was one of the early Swiss women architects. The collection includes exhibition panels and a competition proposal containing architectural drawings, photographs, and slides.
Elizabeth Chu Richter Architectural Collection
The Elizabeth Chu Richter Architectural Collection consists of correspondence, articles, and project files. Richter and her husband David Richter founded Richter Architects in Corpus Christi, Texas.
E. Maria Roth Architectural Collection
The E. Maria Roth Architectural Collection contains the personal papers, professional papers, and project files of a landscape architect working largely in New Jersey, New York, and Virginia. School work from Cooper Union and Rutgers University is included, along with a school notebook from 1940 made during the Hitler era in Germany. Projects largely conform to the following categories: schools, residences/neighborhoods, public and recreation areas, and furniture/structural designs.
Claire Rufer-Eckmann Architectural Collection
Claire Rufer-Eckmann (1914-1974) was an architect in Bern, Switzerland. The collection consists of architecture class notes taken by Rufer-Eckmann at l'École Polytechnique Federale de Zurich, 1928-1935, original sketches and a report on her travels in Sweden and Finland in the late 1930s, and over forty working drawings created by her as part of SAFFA 58, an exhibition of women's roles in Switzerland.
Karin Rühle Architectural Papers
The Karin Rühle Architectural Papers contain materials relating to one project, Projekt 1.10, Gartenstadt Jahnstrasse/Dahlwitz Hoppegarten, often abbreviated "Jahnstr," from 1991-1995.
Saffa 58 Architectural Drawings
The SAFFA was a Swiss fair exhibition on women in Zurich, Switzerland, that was built by Swiss women architects. The Saffa 58 Architectural Drawings consist of sixty-three drawings of the buildings for the 1958 fair, including the collaborative work of Claire Rufer-Eckmann, Beate Billeter, Verena Fuhrimann, Jetti Judin-Mutzenberg, and Annemarie Hubacher-Constam.
Sally Waldner Bould Stan Architectural Collection
This collection documents the architect Sally Waldner Bould Stan. She lived from 1917 to 2008, spending most of her life in Lafayette, California. Over the course of her life, Sally designed around 2000 homes as well as numerous notable commercial projects before retiring in 1998. Her collection is comprised of biographical notes as well as drawings for 55 of her professional projects. One standard and five oversized folders.
Elisabeth Whitworth Scott Photograph
The collection consists of one black-and-white photograph of Elisabeth W. Scott, designer of the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre (now called the Royal Shakespeare Theatre), dated 1928.
Sena Sekulić-Gvozdanović Architectural Collection
Filtered By
- Subject: History of Women in Architecture X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- International Archive of Women in Architecture (IAWA) 73
- Women -- History 58
- Architects 16
- Architectural drawings (visual works) 15
- Architectural drawing -- 20th century 13
- Architecture (discipline) 10
- Women-owned architectural firms 8
- Women architects -- Bulgaria 7
- Women architects -- California 6
- Women architects -- Germany 4
- Architects and community 3
- Women architects -- New York 3
- Architects -- Switzerland 2
- Faculty and staff 2
- West Africa 2
- Women architects -- Virginia 2
- Advertising cards 1
- Architects -- Bulgaria 1
- Architects -- Portugal 1
- Architects -- Virginia 1
- Architectural firms 1
- Architecture -- Computer-aided design 1
- Architecture -- Study and teaching 1
- Association for Women in Architecture (U.S.) 1
- Blacksburg (Va.) 1
- Central Africa 1
- Cocktail History Collection 1
- Cocktails -- History 1
- Diaries 1
- History of Food and Drink 1
- Local/Regional History and Appalachian South 1
- Montgomery County (Va.) 1
- Nagoya-shi (Japan) 1
- Photographs 1
- Stratford-upon-Avon 1
- Students and alumni 1
- University History 1
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University -- College of Architecture and Urban Studies -- Milka Bliznakov Prize 1
- Women architects -- Connecticut 1
- Women architects -- Illinois 1
- Women architects -- India 1
- Women architects -- Israel 1
- Women architects -- Italy 1
- Women architects -- Japan 1
- Women architects -- Missouri 1
- Women architects -- New Jersey 1
- Women architects -- Rhode Island 1
- Women architects -- Russia 1
- Women architects -- Spain 1
- Women architects -- Switzerland 1
- Women architects -- Tennessee 1
- Women architects -- Washington (State) 1
- Women in higher education 1 + ∧ less
- Language
- English 60
- German 6
- Bulgarian 4
- French 2
- Japanese 2
- Names
- Dunay, Donna 4
- Bliznakov, Milka T., 1927-2010 3
- International Union of Women Architects 3
- Alonso, Carmen Espegel 2
- Channel, Mary Brown, 1907-2006 2
- Currie, Virginia M. Herz, 1913-2006 2
- Fallon, Kristine K. 2
- Gottlieb, Lois Davidson 2
- Harkness, Sarah Pillsbury, 1914-2013 2
- Hastings, L. Jane 2
- Horton, Inge S. 2
- Matsukawa-Tsuchida, Junko 2
- Oron, Joyce, 1954- 2
- Rufer-Eckmann, Claire, 1914-1974 2
- Sokolina, Anna P. 2
- Somaya, Brinda 2
- Torre, Susana, 1944- 2
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (1970-) 2
- Alonso, Martha 1
- American Institute of Architects 1
- American Institute of Architects. Women in Architecture 1
- Architectural League of New York 1
- Art League of Philadelphia 1
- Aulenti, Gae, 1929-2012 1
- Austrian Cultural Forum 1
- Bacon, John, I, 1740-1799 (English sculptor) 1
- Bauer, Isabel 1
- Ben-Joseph, Eran 1
- Ben-Joseph, Holly D. 1
- Bertrand, Wendy 1
- Bevilacqua, Sonia 1
- Billeter, Beate 1
- Birmingham, Elizabeth J. 1
- Bonney, Claire 1
- Brandariz, Graciela 1
- Brown, Lori 1
- California Women in Environmental Design 1
- Choneva, Krasimira 1
- Coade, Eleanor, 1733-1821 1
- Cochrane, Margaret Ann 1
- Cruise, Kathleen 1
- Daskalova, Snezha, 1925- 1
- De Blois, Natalie, 1921-2013 1
- Dodge, Anne C. 1
- Dows, Wena W., 1928- 1
- Drosten, Mary Lou, 1910-1991 1
- Duncombe, A. Jane, 1925- 1
- Dörhöfer, Kerstin, 1943- 1
- Edelman, Judith, 1923-2014 1
- Erkarslam, Ozlem 1
- Esséssé, Amélie 1
- Feuerstein, Marcia 1
- Fuhrimann, Verena 1
- Gorgenyi, Judit 1
- Gramatikova, Lilia 1
- Hall, Louise 1
- Hannah, Dorrita 1
- Harling, Elisabeth-Charlotte, 1922-2011 1
- Hayden, Florence Kenyon 1
- Hazwaw, Masako 1
- Higashi, Yumiko 1
- Hofheinz, Elsa Marie, 1912-2012 1
- Hoksza, Eva 1
- Hubacher-Constam, Annemarie 1
- Inagaki, Hiroko 1
- Ishikawa, Yaeko 1
- Jansone, Vera E., 1915-2004 1
- Judin-Mutzenberg, Jetti 1
- Katsumi, Noriko 1
- Kechedzhieva, Nevena Stoianova, b.1927 1
- Kiisk, Linda 1
- Kushner, Pinky 1
- Laleyan, Marie-Louise, 1935-2014 1
- Lucas, Patrick Lee 1
- Masamune, Kazuko 1
- Merrett, Andrea J. 1
- Møller, Alice Finnerup 1
- Nadel, Barbara 1
- Nakahara, Nobuko, 1929-2008 1
- Nanasy, Ilona 1
- Nanay, Eva 1
- Nencheck, Lindsay 1
- New York World's Fair 1939, Inc. 1
- Ninova, Tsvetana, b.1923 1
- O'Neill, Virginia B. (Virginia Brown), 1923-1999 1
- Organization of Women Architects and Design Professionals 1
- Parsons, Winifred 1
- Peeva, Maria Georgieva 1
- Pettersen, Eleanore, 1916-2003 1
- Pontius, Geraldine 1
- Rahm, Berta 1
- Richter, Elizabeth Chu 1
- Rivard, Betsy Drosten 1
- Roth, Maria 1
- Rühle, Karin 1
- Schroeder, Han, 1918-1992 1
- Schütte-Lihotzky, Margarete, 1897-2000 1
- Sekulić-Gvozdanović, Sena 1
- Shchetinina, Anna Alexandrovna 1
- Skala, Lilia Sofer, 1896-1994 1 + ∧ less