Showing Collections: 71 - 74 of 74
Ute Weström Architectural Papers,
Identifier: Ms-1996-023
Ute Westrom was born in 1939 in Berlin, Germany, the oldest of four children of architect Hilde Westrom. In 1968 she earned an architect's diploma from the Technical University of Berlin. She is a practicing architect in Berlin and an active member of the International Union of Women Architects (UIFA.) Her collection includes information about the restoration of the Martin Gropius Bau in Berlin and the Sozialkasse des Berliner Baugewerbes in Berlin, both designed by Westrom and her husband...
1968 - 1996
Women Architects in Austria Exhibit Panels
Identifier: Ms-1990-041
The Women Architects in Austria Exhibit Panels contains twenty-eight panels from a traveling exhibit sponsored by the Austrian Cultural Institute. The panels show photographs and architectural drawings by Austrian women architects from 1900-1987. Subjects include interior design, urban and landscape planning, apartment buildings, and cultural centers.
Women's Development Corporation Records
Identifier: Ms-2016-012
The Women’s Development Corporation (WDC) is a Rhode Island based housing developer and non-profit founded by a group of architects, designers, community planners, and historic preservation professionals. These records document select activities of the WDC from 1979-2015.
1979 - 2015
Jean Linden Young Papers
Identifier: Ms-1998-022
Jean Alice Linden was born in Detroit, Michigan, on February 15, 1922. She became a registered architect of Washington state in 1955 and established her own private practice in 1976. Her designs were almost all private residences, apartment buildings, and small commercial structures in the Seattle area. The Jean Linden Young Papers consist of materials created and collected by Young during her lifetime. They include notes written as an instructor at the University of Kentucky, newspaper...
1945 - 1997
Filtered By
- Subject: History of Women in Architecture X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- International Archive of Women in Architecture (IAWA) 73
- Women -- History 58
- Architects 16
- Architectural drawings (visual works) 15
- Architectural drawing -- 20th century 13
- Architecture (discipline) 10
- Women-owned architectural firms 8
- Women architects -- Bulgaria 7
- Women architects -- California 6
- Women architects -- Germany 4
- Architects and community 3
- Women architects -- New York 3
- Architects -- Switzerland 2
- Faculty and staff 2
- West Africa 2
- Women architects -- Virginia 2
- Advertising cards 1
- Architects -- Bulgaria 1
- Architects -- Portugal 1
- Architects -- Virginia 1
- Architectural firms 1
- Architecture -- Computer-aided design 1
- Architecture -- Study and teaching 1
- Association for Women in Architecture (U.S.) 1
- Blacksburg (Va.) 1
- Central Africa 1
- Cocktail History Collection 1
- Cocktails -- History 1
- Diaries 1
- History of Food and Drink 1
- Local/Regional History and Appalachian South 1
- Montgomery County (Va.) 1
- Nagoya-shi (Japan) 1
- Photographs 1
- Stratford-upon-Avon 1
- Students and alumni 1
- University History 1
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University -- College of Architecture and Urban Studies -- Milka Bliznakov Prize 1
- Women architects -- Connecticut 1
- Women architects -- Illinois 1
- Women architects -- India 1
- Women architects -- Israel 1
- Women architects -- Italy 1
- Women architects -- Japan 1
- Women architects -- Missouri 1
- Women architects -- New Jersey 1
- Women architects -- Rhode Island 1
- Women architects -- Russia 1
- Women architects -- Spain 1
- Women architects -- Switzerland 1
- Women architects -- Tennessee 1
- Women architects -- Washington (State) 1
- Women in higher education 1 + ∧ less
- Language
- English 60
- German 6
- Bulgarian 4
- French 2
- Japanese 2
- Names
- Dunay, Donna 4
- Bliznakov, Milka T., 1927-2010 3
- International Union of Women Architects 3
- Alonso, Carmen Espegel 2
- Channel, Mary Brown, 1907-2006 2
- Currie, Virginia M. Herz, 1913-2006 2
- Fallon, Kristine K. 2
- Gottlieb, Lois Davidson 2
- Harkness, Sarah Pillsbury, 1914-2013 2
- Hastings, L. Jane 2
- Horton, Inge S. 2
- Matsukawa-Tsuchida, Junko 2
- Oron, Joyce, 1954- 2
- Rufer-Eckmann, Claire, 1914-1974 2
- Sokolina, Anna P. 2
- Somaya, Brinda 2
- Torre, Susana, 1944- 2
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (1970-) 2
- Alonso, Martha 1
- American Institute of Architects 1
- American Institute of Architects. Women in Architecture 1
- Architectural League of New York 1
- Art League of Philadelphia 1
- Aulenti, Gae, 1929-2012 1
- Austrian Cultural Forum 1
- Bacon, John, I, 1740-1799 (English sculptor) 1
- Bauer, Isabel 1
- Ben-Joseph, Eran 1
- Ben-Joseph, Holly D. 1
- Bertrand, Wendy 1
- Bevilacqua, Sonia 1
- Billeter, Beate 1
- Birmingham, Elizabeth J. 1
- Bonney, Claire 1
- Brandariz, Graciela 1
- Brown, Lori 1
- California Women in Environmental Design 1
- Choneva, Krasimira 1
- Coade, Eleanor, 1733-1821 1
- Cochrane, Margaret Ann 1
- Cruise, Kathleen 1
- Daskalova, Snezha, 1925- 1
- De Blois, Natalie, 1921-2013 1
- Dodge, Anne C. 1
- Dows, Wena W., 1928- 1
- Drosten, Mary Lou, 1910-1991 1
- Duncombe, A. Jane, 1925- 1
- Dörhöfer, Kerstin, 1943- 1
- Edelman, Judith, 1923-2014 1
- Erkarslam, Ozlem 1
- Esséssé, Amélie 1
- Feuerstein, Marcia 1
- Fuhrimann, Verena 1
- Gorgenyi, Judit 1
- Gramatikova, Lilia 1
- Hall, Louise 1
- Hannah, Dorrita 1
- Harling, Elisabeth-Charlotte, 1922-2011 1
- Hayden, Florence Kenyon 1
- Hazwaw, Masako 1
- Higashi, Yumiko 1
- Hofheinz, Elsa Marie, 1912-2012 1
- Hoksza, Eva 1
- Hubacher-Constam, Annemarie 1
- Inagaki, Hiroko 1
- Ishikawa, Yaeko 1
- Jansone, Vera E., 1915-2004 1
- Judin-Mutzenberg, Jetti 1
- Katsumi, Noriko 1
- Kechedzhieva, Nevena Stoianova, b.1927 1
- Kiisk, Linda 1
- Kushner, Pinky 1
- Laleyan, Marie-Louise, 1935-2014 1
- Lucas, Patrick Lee 1
- Masamune, Kazuko 1
- Merrett, Andrea J. 1
- Møller, Alice Finnerup 1
- Nadel, Barbara 1
- Nakahara, Nobuko, 1929-2008 1
- Nanasy, Ilona 1
- Nanay, Eva 1
- Nencheck, Lindsay 1
- New York World's Fair 1939, Inc. 1
- Ninova, Tsvetana, b.1923 1
- O'Neill, Virginia B. (Virginia Brown), 1923-1999 1
- Organization of Women Architects and Design Professionals 1
- Parsons, Winifred 1
- Peeva, Maria Georgieva 1
- Pettersen, Eleanore, 1916-2003 1
- Pontius, Geraldine 1
- Rahm, Berta 1
- Richter, Elizabeth Chu 1
- Rivard, Betsy Drosten 1
- Roth, Maria 1
- Rühle, Karin 1
- Schroeder, Han, 1918-1992 1
- Schütte-Lihotzky, Margarete, 1897-2000 1
- Sekulić-Gvozdanović, Sena 1
- Shchetinina, Anna Alexandrovna 1
- Skala, Lilia Sofer, 1896-1994 1 + ∧ less
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