Showing Collections: 31 - 40 of 46
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Postal Card Collection
This collection includes eighty postcards. Dated cards range from 1906 through 1995, but many cards are not dated. Cards depict various subjects including campus views, campus buildings, football, Corps of Cadets, and Blacksburg views. Some of the postcards are postmarked and addressed to recipients, while some are blank.
Virginia Tech April 16, 2007 Archives of the University Libraries
The Virginia Tech April 16, 2007 Archives of the University Libraries consists mainly of condolence items received by the university in the wake of April 16, 2007 in which 32 faculty and students were killed. The subseries organization is by type of item. The bulk of materials were received in the first few months following April 16, 2007. There also is a very small series with items specifically sent to or relating to those killed, which is organized alphabetically by name.
Virginia Tech Barrier-Free Circulation System
Map shows various routes around VPI that are barrier free. It also shows handicapped parking, elevators, and chair lifts.
Virginia Tech Black History Oral History Collection
This collection includes oral history accounts from various African Americans with experience at Virginia Tech and/or in the Blacksburg area between the 1950s and the early 2000s.
Virginia Tech Buildings Architectural Collection
Collection consists of architectural drawings, blueprints, and floorplans of selected campus buildings located on the campus of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, VA.
[Virginia Tech Campus]
Map shows the VPI campus, with Squires Student Center, Donaldson-Brown Center, and Eggleston Hall highlighted in green.
[Virginia Tech Campus]
Map shows the VPI campus, with Squires Student Center, Donaldson-Brown Center, and Eggleston Hall highlighted in brown.
[Virginia Tech Campus]
Map shows the VPI campus, with color-coded buildings.
Virginia Tech Campus Guide
Map is part of a larger Campus Guide for Virginia Tech. The guide includes a campus map with index, as well as a map of Blacksburg, Virginia, and information about the university.
Virginia Tech Campus Guide
Campus Guide, Virginia Tech. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, [2003]. 16 x 18 in. [FOLDER E-4]
Filtered By
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Montgomery County (Va.) 45
- University History 20
- Maps (documents) 19
- Virginia -- Maps 19
- Faculty and staff 10
- Women -- History 6
- University Archives 5
- Photographs 4
- Students and alumni 4
- Agricultural extension work 1
- April 16, 2007 shootings 1
- Architects 1
- Architects -- Virginia 1
- Architectural drawings (visual works) 1
- Civil War 1
- History of Women in Architecture 1
- International Archive of Women in Architecture (IAWA) 1
- Jews -- History 1
- Music 1
- Oral histories (literary works) 1
- Politicians -- United States 1
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 1
- Virginia Tech Shootings, Blacksburg, Va., 2007 1
- Virginia, Southwest 1
- Women architects -- Bulgaria 1 + ∧ less
- Names
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute (1944-1970) 17
- Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute (1896-1944) 8
- Gray, Davis 2
- Preston family (Montgomery County, Va.) 2
- Smithfield Plantation House (Blacksburg, Va.) 2
- Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College (1872-1896) 2
- Adriance, Thomas 1
- Appalachian Student Organizing Committee. Virginia Tech Chapter 1
- Blecher, Freda 1
- Blecher, Marvin 1
- Bliznakov, Milka T., 1927-2010 1
- Carneal and Johnston (Richmond, Va.) 1
- Chamber music series (Blacksburg, Va.) 1
- Currie, Leonard J. (Leonard James), 1913-1996 1
- Kroontje, Wybe 1
- Lancaster, Lucy Lee, 1905-1989 1
- Magill, Orrin R. (Orrin Rankin), 1887-1976 1
- Mays, R. L., Jr. 1
- McCombs, Dorothy F., 1923-1990 1
- Michael, Rudolph Dixon, 1904-1994 1
- Richmond Civil War Centennial Committee 1
- Roemer, Christina 1
- Shackelford, George Green, 1921-2010 1
- Sibold, Carrie T. (Carrie Taylor), 1904-1990 1
- Sibold, Chloe M., 1899-1976 1
- Sibold, Nannie V. (Nannie Virginia), 1897-1957 1
- Sibold, Thomas W. (Thomas William), 1909-1930 1
- Solitude (Blacksburg, Va. : Historic building) 1
- Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute. Corps of Cadets (1896-1944) 1
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. College of Architecture (1974-1978) 1
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. College of Architecture and Urban Studies (1978-2022) 1
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Corps of Cadets 1
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Department of Civil Engineering 1
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Office of Planning and Engineering 1
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Alumni Association 1
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute. College of Architecture 1
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Corps of Cadets (1944-1970) 1
- Virginia Tech Alumni Association 1
- Virginia Tech Union 1
- Warm Hearth Village (Blacksburg, Va.) 1
- West, Lindsay Butte, 1934-2018 1
- Worley, Charles S., Jr. 1 + ∧ less