Showing Collections: 101 - 110 of 170
William E. Moser Collection
Collected by William E. Moser (1945-2016), this collection contains a large number of personal letters sent to Anderson Alley from 1849 to 1885. This collection also contains the roster for Company F of the 11th Virginia Cavalry and several merchant bills.
E. H. Murrell Note to General John C. Breckinridge
The collection contains a single note from E. H. Murrell, MD, of Lynchburg, Virginia, addressed to General John C. Breckinridge, inquiring about the 150 bushels of corn from Montgomery County, Virginia, that he had ordered and instead requesting 200 bushels be delivered.
Nelson Family Papers
This collection contains papers (primarily correspondence and Civil War documents) from the Nelson family of Clarke County, Virginia, 1783-1872, n.d.
Newlee Family Papers
The collection includes a paper on the history of Smithfield Plantation, the Preston family, and Virginia Newlee (Col. Robert Newlee's daughter) written by George Shackelford in 1980. In addition, there is an obituary of Colonel Newlee, and a newspaper clipping from 1916 with the muster roll of the Company of Virginia Volunteers in the Mexican War. Also the collection includes a muster roll of Company L, Fourth Virginia Regiment, of which Newlee was captain.
Organ Family Collection
The Organ Family Collection includes materials from 1836-2006. Materials concern the Organ family's experience on the homefront and in battle during the American Civil War.
Papers Relevant to the Lives of John Taylor Radford (1838-1864) and William Moseley Radford (1840-1862) Typescript
Henry T. Parrish Scrapbook of 1860 Presidential Election
The scrapbook in this collection contains newspaper clippings of the 1860 presidential campaigns. The primary focus of being on candidates John Bell, Stephen A. Douglas, and John Caleb Breckinridge.
Henry C. Parsons Papers
This collection contains the papers--including correspondence, legal records, and financial documents--of Henry C. Parsons (1840-1894), official of the Richmond & Alleghany Railroad, Atlantic and Northwestern Railroad, and Kanawha Construction Company, and owner of Natural Bridge, Virginia.
James G. Paxton Letter
Letter from James G. Paxton to Major William McLaughlin. Writing from Salem, Virginia, informs McLaughlin that his name is being put forward as a possible candidate for the Virginia Senate.
Elizabeth Barton Smith Payne Letter
The collection contains letter of Elizabeth Barton Smith Payne, a resident of Fauquier County, Virginia during the American Civil War. The letter mourns loved ones killed in battle and mentions raids by soldiers, the capture and imprisonment of a brother, and a son's desire to join the army.
Filtered By
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Additional filters:
- Subject
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 167
- Civil War 165
- Montgomery County (Va.) 33
- Women -- History 26
- Blacksburg (Va.) 13
- Correspondence 10
- Wythe County (Va.) 8
- Folk, historical, and patent medicine 7
- Medicine 5
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Diaries 5
- University History 5
- Confederate States of America 4
- Rockbridge County (Va.) 4
- Virginia -- History 4
- Virginia -- Maps 4
- Augusta County (Va.) 3
- Botetourt County (Va.) 3
- Faculty and staff 3
- Ledgers (account books) 3
- Petersburg (Va.) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 3
- Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877) 3
- Slavery -- United States 3
- Students and alumni 3
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Homefront 3
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Poetry 3
- Virginia, Southwest 3
- Abingdon (Va.) 2
- Christiansburg (Va.) 2
- Cloyds Mountain, Battle of, Va., 1864 2
- Diaries 2
- Genealogy 2
- Letters 2
- Maps (documents) 2
- Medicine, Military -- History 2
- Montgomery White Sulphur Springs (Va.) 2
- Poems 2
- Pulaski County (Va.) 2
- Scrapbooks 2
- Staunton (Va.) 2
- Traditional medicine 2
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Desertions 2
- Washington County (Va.) 2
- Account books 1
- African Americans -- History 1
- Agriculture 1
- Atlanta Campaign, 1864 1
- Bath County (Va.) 1
- Buena Vista (Va.) 1
- Carroll County (Va.) 1
- Chickamauga, Battle of, Ga., 1863 1
- Clarke County (Va.) 1
- Cocktail History Collection 1
- Cocktails -- History 1
- Elections -- Virginia 1
- Floyd County (Va.) 1
- History of Food and Drink 1
- Huntsville (Ala.) 1
- Lexington, Virginia 1
- Lynchburg, Battle of, Lynchburg, Va., 1864 1
- Marion (Va.) 1
- New River Bridge, Battle of, Va., 1864 1
- Patrick County (Va.) -- History 1
- Petersburg (Va.) -- History -- Siege, 1864-1865 1
- Photographs 1
- Politicians -- United States 1
- Presidents -- United States 1
- Radford (Va.) 1
- Railroad 1
- Receipts (financial records) 1
- Roanoke (Va.) 1
- Roanoke County (Va.) 1
- Smyth County (Va.) 1
- Tazewell County (Va.) 1
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Battlefields Maps 1
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Regimental Histories 1
- Virginia 1
- West Virginia 1
- Winchester (Va.) 1
- Winchester, 3rd Battle of, Winchester, Va., 1864 1
- World War, 1914-1918 1 + ∧ less
- Names
- Black, Harvey, 1827-1888 2
- Floyd, John B. (John Buchanan), 1806-1863 2
- Graves, Jeremiah White (Pittsylvania County, Va.) 2
- Stevens, W. H., Colonel (Chief Engineer, D.N.V.) 2
- Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College (1872-1896) 2
- Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute (1896-1944) 2
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute (1944-1970) 2
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (1970-) 2
- A. W. Luster 1
- Alexander, Henrie H., d.1916 1
- Alley, Anderson 1
- Amiss, Edwin 1
- Anchy (enslaved person) 1
- Anderson, Joseph R. (Joseph Reid), 1813-1892 1
- Apperson family 1
- Apperson, Alex 1
- Apperson, Elizabeth Black 1
- Apperson, Harvey Black, 1890-1948 1
- Apperson, John Samuel, 1837-1904 1
- Apperson, Mary 1
- Armistead, Mary Frances 1
- Babcock, H. O. 1
- Bailey, Pattie Dobson Talley, b.1888 1
- Baker family 1
- Baker, Joseph J., abt.1841-1931 (54th Regiment, Virginia Infantry) 1
- Baldwin family 1
- Barnes family 1
- Barnes, James H. 1
- Barnes, Thomas Rufus, b. abt. 1842-1864 1
- Barnes, Uz, abt. 1807-1879 1
- Barnett, Joseph Hampton 1
- Basham family (Franklin County, Va.) 1
- Baylor, William Smith Hanger, 1831-1862 1
- Bear family (Augusta County, Va.) 1
- Beckley, Alfred, 1802-1888 1
- Beckwith, John B., 1800-1891 1
- Bernard, Thomas Hill, 1824-1905 1
- Bevell, B. 1
- Beves family 1
- Black family 1
- Black, John H. 1
- Black, Kent, active 1876-1890 1
- Black, Mary Kent, b.1836 1
- Blain, Daniel 1
- Blount, Betty (enslaved person) 1
- Bobbitt family (Carroll County, Va.) 1
- Bobbitt, Greenberry George McKenzie, 1798-1866 1
- Bodell, Dorothy H., 1931-2008 1
- Bradley, Herman J. 1
- Brady, Daniel C. E. (Daniel Charles Elliott), 1821-1878 1
- Breckinridge, John C. (John Cabell), 1821-1875 1
- Briggs, Marian 1
- Brough, John, 1811-1856 1
- Brown family 1
- Brown, Alice 1
- Cameron, Lousia Clarinda Egerton, 1846-1908 1
- Campbell, Donald (Co. K, 12th Regiment [New York State Militia?]) 1
- Campbell, John P. E. (John Place Evans), 1835-1909 (50th Regiment, Virginia Infantry) 1
- Caperton family 1
- Caperton, George Henry (Nelson County, Va.) 1
- Caperton, Mary Elizabeth Henderson (Nelson County, Va.) 1
- Carnahan, John Newton, 1824-1862 1
- Carpenter, Elizabeth 1
- Carpenter, Henry C., d.1864 1
- Carr, John 1
- Cassel, Jacob 1
- Cassell, Charles M., b.1842(?) 1
- Caton, Louise 1
- Chacky, A. M. 1
- Charles Scott and Company 1
- Charlton family 1
- Charlton family (Montgomery County, Va.) 1
- Chase, Hattie 1
- Choate family (Allegheny County, NC) 1
- Clendening, Abram 1
- Cochran, Alexander 1
- Colley, Thomas W., 1837-1919 1
- Compton, John R. 1
- Confederate States of America. Army 1
- Confederate States of America. Army. Department of Northern Virginia 1
- Confederate States of America. Army. Stonewall Brigade 1
- Confederate States of America. Army. Virginia Infantry Regiment, 54th 1
- Confederate States of America. Department of the Treasury 1
- Confederate States of America. War Department 1
- Conrad, Thomas Nelson 1
- Conway, Battaile Fitzhugh Taliaferro 1
- Conway, Catlett, 1840-1920 1
- Conway, Henry 1
- Conway, John C. 1
- Conway, Mary Wallace 1
- Conway, William Buchanan, 1845-1920 1
- Cooke, Giles B. 1
- Cowardin, Alice Bolling, b.1848(?) 1
- Cox, Isaac Carroll, 1843-1925 1
- Craft Family (Botetourt County, Virginia) 1
- Craft, Blanche 1
- Craft, Catherine 1
- Craft, Jacob M. 1
- Crosby, John F. 1
- Culver, Joshua W. 1 + ∧ less