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Showing Collections: 21 - 25 of 25

William S. Newton Papers

Identifier: Ms-2021-024

American Civil War correspondence, official documents, and other family materials related to William S. Newton, an Ohio doctor who from 1862 to 1865 served as assistant surgeon of the 91st Ohio Volunteer Infantry and surgeon of the 193rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Also includes transcripts of Newton’s Civil War letters to his wife and children.

Dates: 1862 - 1879

James R. Perdue Family Collection

Identifier: Ms-2022-060

This collection includes the papers of James R. Perdue and his family. Items include a program for the Battle of the Crater reunion, a Sunday School concert flyer, seven obituaries for Perdue, a letter from J. R. Perdue, Jr., and two ledgers. Perdue (1837-1915) was a banker from Manchester, Virginia, and served as a Confederate soldier in the Otey Battery, Virginia Artillery during the American Civil War.

Dates: 1868 - 1919

Leonard A. Slater Letter

Identifier: Ms-2011-052

The collection consists of a letter written by Dr. Leonard A. Slater to his father, John Slater, on October 10, 1862. At the time of the letter Leonard A. Slater was serving as a surgeon in the 15th Virginia Calvary at General Hospital No. 23 in Richmond, Virginia.

Dates: 1862

Edward L. Stratton Diary

Identifier: Ms-2001-003

The Edward L. Stratton Diary was written by an American Civil War soldier who was in the 122nd Company of Pennsylvania, and it covers military action, army medicine, battle wounds, and hospital life and work.

Dates: 1862 - 1864

Isaac White Letters

Identifier: Ms-1997-013

The collection consists of letters written mostly by Isaac White (1837-1889) to his wife, Mary Virginia "Jinnie" Day White, while he served with the Confederate Army as an assistant surgeon during the American Civil War. Many of the letters are written while encamped along the Shenandoah Valley. Other papers include literature gathered by Bess Duvall White Snead, White's grand-daughter, in her search for military information about Isaac White.

Dates: 1861 - 1938

Filtered By

  • Subject: United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 X
  • Subject: Medicine X

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Additional filters:

United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 24
Folk, historical, and patent medicine 22
Medicine 17
Medicine, Military -- History 14
Local/Regional History and Appalachian South 7
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A. W. Luster 1
Amiss, Edwin 1
Apperson family 1
Apperson, Alex 1
Apperson, Elizabeth Black 1
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Apperson, Harvey Black, 1890-1948 1
Apperson, John Samuel, 1837-1904 1
Apperson, Mary 1
Atkinson, Archibald, Jr., 1832-1903 1
Barnett, William W., 1840-1876 (8th Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserve Infantry (37th Volunteers)) 1
Billings, Elden E. 1
Black family 1
Black, Harvey, 1827-1888 1
Black, Kent, active 1876-1890 1
Black, Mary Kent, b.1836 1
Booth, John Wilkes, 1838-1865 1
Breckinridge, John C. (John Cabell), 1821-1875 1
Brown family 1
Caton, Louise 1
Chronkhite, James H. 1
Confederate States of America. Army. Stonewall Brigade 1
Di Carlo, Guy, Jr. 1
Eakin, Dollie L. 1
Eastern Lunatic Asylum of Virginia 1
Hardin, Charles W., c. 1823-1899 1
Harville, John McBride, 1839-1913 1
Hawkins, Charles N., c.1845-? (22nd Regiment, Virginia Infantry (1st Kanawha Regiment)) 1
Herold, David E., 1842-1865 1
Howard, Thomas Henry, 1834-1910 1
Kent family 1
Kent, Germanicus, 1791-1862 1
Kent, Lewis (enslaved person) 1
Knapp, Edgar, b. abt.1836 1
Lacey, William J., b.1835(?) 1
Lemon, Lewis 1
Leonard, William A., b.1843(?) 1
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 1
Marion Foundry and Machine Works (Marion, Va.) 1
Martha L. Johnson family 1
Meade and Baker Apothecary (Richmond, Va.) 1
Moore, William, d.1862 1
Newton, William S. (William Smith), 1823-1882 1
Perdue, James Robert, 1837-1915 1
Pitts, W. H. 1
Preston and Olin Institute (Blacksburg, Va.) 1
Robinson, J. R. (27th Regiment, Kentucky Infantry) 1
Rock, George W. (22nd Regiment, Virginia Infantry (1st Kanawha Regiment)) 1
Slater, Leonard A., 1835-1897 1
Snead, Bess Duvall White 1
Southwestern Lunatic Asylum of Virginia (1887-1935) 1
Stratton, Edward L., Captain 1
Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College (1872-1896) 1
W. Stone & Son 1
White, Isaac, 1837-1889 1
White, Mary Virginia Day, 1840-1922 1
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