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Showing Collections: 51 - 60 of 67

Benjamin M. Peck Diaries,

Identifier: Ms-2015-003

The collection includes two Civil War diaries of Captain Benjamin M. Peck of the 141st Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry and later, the 1st U. S. Sharp Shooters. The diaries span 1864 and 1865, and document Peck's experiences traveling from Pennsylvania, his service (which took him to major battles in Virginia), and his eventual return home to Towanda, PA.

Dates: 1864 - 1865

Philip G. Peltz Journal

Identifier: Ms-2022-090

This collection contains the journal of Philip G. Peltz, chief engineer of the U.S.S. Dacotah during the American Civil War. It also includes a typed, bound transcription of the journal.

Dates: 1862 - 1863

William J. Pittenger Diary

Identifier: Ms-2001-064

This collection contains the diary of William J. Pittenger, a soldier serving in the 93rd Illinois Infantry and the U. S. Army Signal Corps during the American Civil War. Entries cover day-to-day activities, the Union advance down the Mississippi River, and the siege of Vicksburg. The diary is accompanied by a 1957 newspaper article about the diary.

Dates: 1863

Charles O. Poland Diary

Identifier: Ms-2008-013

The collection consists of the diary of Charles O. Poland, a private in Company B, 142nd Ohio Infantry (National Guard), written while serving for six weeks near the front during the early siege of Petersburg.

Dates: 1864

J. W. Ryland Diary

Identifier: Ms-2019-011

The J. W. Ryland Diary consists of a single Civil War diary kept by J. W. Ryland between September 1863-1865. In his diary, Ryland records activities from September 1863 – January 1866. His entries include the topics of the creation of the Confederate States of America, rail cars, and battles such as the Siege of Charleston, SC, the Siege of Petersburg, the Battle of Sailor’s Creek, the surrender at Appomattox Court House, and the weary Confederate trek home following April 9, 1865.

Dates: 1863 - 1865

George W. Shue Diary Pages

Identifier: Ms-2022-088

This collection contains the diary of George W. Shue, an American Civil War soldier from Wisconsin.

Dates: 1862 - 1863

Sketch History of Captain B. F. Bentons Company (K Co., 1st Texas Infantry),

Identifier: Ms-2015-021
Abstract Sketch History of Captain B. F. Bentons Company (K Co., 1st Texas Infantry) is a first hand account of the deeds and actions of the Confederate Army's K Company, 1st Texas Infantry during the Civil War. Written by O. T. Hanks, a member of K Company, the history discusses the formation of the company in July 1861 and gives detailed accounts of several battles the company participated in throughout the war. The document concludes with an account of the K Co.'s final battle...
Dates: 1861 - 1865

Jacob W. Smiley Diary,

Identifier: Ms-2012-073

This collection includes a diary kept by Jacob Wallace Smiley that spans from the time of he was drafted in August 1863, until he was killed in action on May 4, 1864. Smiley chronicled the travels and activities of his unit, the 7th Company, 1st Battalion, New York Sharpshooters, in the Northern Virginia region. The diary also includes a CDV of Smiley and his wife, Melissa.

Dates: 1863 - 1864

Merritt Hager Smith Diary

Identifier: Ms-2008-037

This collection contains the American Civil War diary of Private Merritt Hager Smith of Company G, 97th New York Infantry, serving with the regimental quartermaster.

Dates: 1863

Henry Squire Diary,

Identifier: Ms-2011-103

The collection includes the diary of Henry Squires from the first half of 1863, including entries of camp life and, after May, his experiences as POW following his capture at Chancellorsville.

Dates: 1863

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  • Subject: United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Diaries X

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United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 64
Diaries 24
Folk, historical, and patent medicine 7
Medicine 6
Medicine, Military -- History 6
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Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College (1872-1896) 2
A. W. Luster 1
Adams, Richard Henry (5th Regiment, Alabama Infantry) 1
Amiss, Edwin 1
Apperson family 1
∨ more
Apperson, Alex 1
Apperson, Elizabeth Black 1
Apperson, Harvey Black, 1890-1948 1
Apperson, John Samuel, 1837-1904 1
Apperson, Mary 1
Atkinson, Archibald, Jr., 1832-1903 1
Babcock, Willis A., b. abt. 1840-? 1
Barnett, William W., 1840-1876 (8th Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserve Infantry (37th Volunteers)) 1
Bear family (Augusta County, Va.) 1
Black family 1
Black, Harvey, 1827-1888 1
Black, Kent, active 1876-1890 1
Black, Mary Kent, b.1836 1
Bonsall, George W. 1
Bowmaster, Patrick A. 1
Branch, James A. 1
Brown, R. Baxter 1
Burnell, Henry L., 1841-1912 (8th Maine Volunteer Infanry) 1
Bushee, Charles H. (Charles Henry), 1828-1863 1
Caton, Louise 1
Chase, Thomas C. 1
Cleveland family (Wisconsin) 1
Cleveland, Alva, b.1805 1
Coghill, Edwin R., 1842-1925 1
Cohn, Jacob 1
Colburn, Richard, 1832-1907 1
Confederate States of America. Army. Mississippi Calvary Regiment, 2nd 1
Confederate States of America. Army. Stonewall Brigade 1
Confederate States of America. Army. Virginia Infantry Regiment, 30th 1
Cottingim, M. M., d.1862 (2nd Regiment, Mississippi Infantry) 1
Curtis, Daniel S., d.1890 1
Dean, Otis, 1821-1907 1
Dobie, David F., 1840-1900 1
Early, Jubal Anderson, 1816-1894 1
Eastern Lunatic Asylum of Virginia 1
Graves, Jeremiah White (Pittsylvania County, Va.) 1
Hancock, John H., c.1841-1913 1
Hanks, Orlando T. (Orlando Thacker), 1844-1926 1
Harmon, Edward P., c.1844-1888 1
Harville, John McBride, 1839-1913 1
Hawkins, James P., 1845-1931 1
Hawse, Jasper, 1835-1905 1
Holliday, John (91st Ohio Volunteer Infantry) 1
Hook, Christian 1
Huddle, Benjamin, 1840-1916 1
Huddle, Randal 1
Jenks, Joel H., b.1836(?) 1
Johnson, B. H., 1811-? 1
Kelsey, Stephen R. 1
Kent family 1
Kent, Germanicus, 1791-1862 1
Kent, Lewis (enslaved person) 1
Koontz family 1
Lacey, William J., b.1835(?) 1
Lemon, Lewis 1
Leonard, William A., b.1843(?) 1
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 1
Lowber, Daniel A., 1844-1902 1
Manchester, Thomas Wilbur, 1841-1928 1
Mantor, Alfred L., abt. 1836(?)-1864 1
Marion Foundry and Machine Works (Marion, Va.) 1
Marshall, George H., c.1835-1919 1
Mason, Ebenezer E., 1829-1910 1
Maybury, John R., 1828-1917 1
McKenna, Charles F., 1844-1922 1
Miles, James, d.1865 1
Millar, Caroline Virginia Taliferro 1
Minor, Charles L. C., 1835-1903 1
Moody, John F., d.1862 1
Morgans, William T. , 1844-1882 1
Murdoch, Francis A., b.1847 1
Myers, John H. 1
Peck, Benjamin M., 1838-1899 1
Peltz, Philip G., 1832-1868 1
Pittenger, William, 1838-1896 1
Poland, Charles O., b.1836 1
Preston and Olin Institute (Blacksburg, Va.) 1
Ryland, John W. (John William), 1837-1905 (34th Infantry, Virginia Regiment) 1
Shue, George W. (Wisconsin) 1
Smiley, Jacob Wallace, 1833-1864 1
Smith, Merritt Hager 1
Southwestern Lunatic Asylum of Virginia (1887-1935) 1
Squire, Henry (Co. D, 72nd New York Infantry) 1
Stearns family (Mansfield, Massachusetts) 1
Stephens, Enoch, b. abt. 1835 1
Stratton, Edward L., Captain 1
United States. Army. Illinois Infantry Regiment, 55th (1861-1865) 1
United States. Army. New York Infantry Regiment, 185th (1864-1865) 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (1970-) 1
W. Stone & Son 1
Waldron, Frederick E. 1
Warner, Marcus B., b. abt. 1842 1
Wilson, James F. 1
Woods, John Henning, 1834-1901 1
Wrede, Frederick, b. ca. 1840 1
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