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Showing Collections: 351 - 360 of 395

Town of Christiansburg, Virginia

 Collection — Object: 1
Identifier: Map-0247

Map shows roadways in Christiansburg, Virginia.

Dates: 1975

Va Polytechnic Institute Abattoir and Piggery (Plans and Elevations)

 Collection — Object: 1
Identifier: Map-0355

Document shows the Abattoir and Piggery plans and elevations at VPI, circa 1902.

Dates: [1902?]

Va. Polytechnic Institute, Plan of Steam Mains and Returns and Contours

 Collection — Object: 1
Identifier: Map-0356

Map shows steam mains and returns, along with the topography near the boiler plant on the Virginia Polytechnic Institute campus.

Dates: ca. 1911


 Collection — Object: 1
Identifier: Map-0042

Map of Virginia, with parts of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Tennessee, and North Carolina (independent and not part of 'Carolina'), which comes from George Washington Colton's 1855 Atlas of the World.

Dates: 1855

Virginia and Maryland as it is Planted and Inhabited This Present Year 1670 (reproduction)

 Collection — Object: 1
Identifier: Map-0009

This 1970 reproduction consists of the geographic regions of Virginia and Maryland as charted in 1670, and it contains illustrations of the cartographer, native peoples, and a coat of arms.

Dates: 1673

Virginia and Maryland as it is Planted and Inhabited This Present Year 1670 (reproduction)

 Collection — Object: 1
Identifier: Map-0010

This 1967 reproduction consists of the geographic regions of Virginia and Maryland as charted in 1670, and it contains illustrations of the cartographer, native peoples, and a coat of arms.

Dates: 1673

Virginia Anthracite Coal Company Brush Mountain Property, Montgomery County, Va.

 Collection — Object: 1
Identifier: Map-0289

Blueprint map shows property between Brush Mountain and Tom's Creek in Montgomery County, Virginia.

Dates: nd

Virginia Counties of King William, King & Queen, New Kent, Hanover, Charles City, and Henrico, with Richmond City composite map (reproduction)

 Collection — Object: 1
Identifier: Map-0076

Map is a composite of several maps of counties to the north of Richmond. Map is in the negative, with a legend.

Dates: 1956

Virginia, discovered and described by Captain John Smith (reproduction)

 Collection — Object: 1
Identifier: Map-0035

Map contains a small British coat of arms and illustrations of a native Virginian (facing away from the Chesapeake Bay) and Powhatan's court. Includes explanatory historical text underneath the illustrations.

Dates: 1624

Virginia et Florida A.D. (reproduction),

 Collection — Object: 1
Identifier: Map-0001

Based on a chart by Iodocus Hondius, 1607.

Reprinted, 1932.

Dates: 1607

Filtered By

  • Subject: Virginia -- Maps X
  • Subject: Local/Regional History and Appalachian South X

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Additional filters:

Maps (documents) 390
Virginia -- Maps 373
Montgomery County (Va.) 132
Blacksburg (Va.) 113
Virginia -- Maps -- Early works to 1800 -- Facsimilies 19
∨ more  
English 388
Latin 5
French 2
Virginia Polytechnic Institute (1944-1970) 38
Geological Survey (U.S.) 33
Commonwealth of Virginia. Department of Highways 23
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (1970-) 22
Hotchkiss, Jedediah, 1828-1899 11
∨ more
Bureau of the Census 10
Hildebrand, J. R. 9
Murrill, A. 9
Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute (1896-1944) 9
Nirenstein's National Realty Map Company 7
Bien, Morris, 1859- 6
Gannett, Henry, 1846-1914 6
Historic Urban Plans (Firm) 6
Roanoke Historical Society 6
Thompson, Gilbert, 1839-1909 6
United States. War Department. Corps of Engineers 6
Bache, A. D. (Alexander Dallas), 1806-1867 5
Mitchell, S. Augustus (Samuel Augustus), 1792-1868 5
O.W. Gray & Son 5
Virginia. State Highway Commission 5
Wall, W. F. 5
Boyd, Charles Rufus, 1841-1903 4
Chace, George 4
Chace, Jacob 4
Everett Waddey Company 4
Foster, A. G. 4
Ireland, E. I. 4
Michie, P. S. 4
Norfolk and Western Railroad Company (1881-1896) 4
Smith, George Otis, 1871-1944 4
A. Hoen & Co. 3
American Publishing Co. (Milwaukee, Wis.) 3
Fletcher, L. C. 3
Gamble, W. H. (William H.) 3
Gannett, Samuel S. (Samuel Stinson), 1861-1939 3
Hall, Childress 3
Hall, W. J. 3
McGill, William M. 3
McKinley, W. K. 3
Payne, John Barton, 1855-1935 3
Pike, Albert 3
Rand McNally and Company 3
Richmond Civil War Centennial Committee 3
Sanborn-Perris Map Co. 3
Vandenberg, H. P. C. 3
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Department of Civil Engineering 3
Yeates, Chas. M. 3
Appalachian Electric Power Company (1926-1958) 2
Archer, S. R. 2
Barnard, E. C. (Edward Chester), 1863-1921 2
Bevan, Arthur, 1888-1968 2
Blacksburg Colored Graveyard Association 2
Blacksburg Engineering Dept 2
Blunt, E. 2
Broyles, H. C. 2
Calver, James L. 2
Campbell, Albert H. (Albert Henry), 1826-1899 2
Clements & Draper 2
Cooke, Chas. E. (Charles E.) 2
Cowgill, Clinton Harriman, 1890-1975 2
Crozet, Claudius, 1790-1864 2
Cumbow, A. L., Jr. 2
Desandroùˆins, Jean Nicolas, 1729-1792 2
Dickinson, W. 2
Dwight, C. S. 2
Faden, William, 1749-1836 2
Faithorne, William, 1616-1691 2
Fry, Joshua, approximately 1700-1754 2
Gayetty, J. I. 2
Geese, F. 2
General Drafting Company 2
Geological Survey. Water Resources Division (U.S.) 2
Gilmer, Jeremy Francis, 1818-1883 2
Gore, J. H. 2
Griswold, William Tudor, 1859-? 2
Hackett, M. 2
Harris, E. E. 2
Harrison, D. C. 2
Harrison, R. L. 2
Hays, J. W. 2
Herrman, Augustine, 1621-1686 2
Hoffman, J. D. 2
Howell, D. J. 2
Ivanhoe Mining and Smelting Corporation 2
Jefferson, Peter, 1708-1757 2
Kegley, F. B. (Frederick Bittle), 1877-1968 2
Kegley, Mary B. 2
Kerr, Washington Caruthers, 1827-1885 2
Knight, F. J. 2
Lane, Franklin K. 2
Malcolm, C. B. 2
Manning, Vannoy Hartrog, 1861-1932 2
Manning, Warren H. (Warren Henry), 1860-1938 2
Marshall, R. B. (Robert Bradford), 1867-1949 2
McBryde, John McLaren, 1841-1923 2
McCormick, Harold F. (Harold Fowler), 1872-1941 2
McGauhey, P. H. (Percy Harold) 2
McLaughlin, Fred 2
McNair, E. L. 2
Montgomery County Planning Department (Montgomery County, Va.) 2
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