Showing Collections: 41 - 50 of 133
Hard Coal Mines Inc.
Map shows property of Hard Coal Mines in Montgomery County, Virginia.
Historical Map of Montgomery County, Virginia, Giving the Names and Locations of Many of the Early Adventurers in the Territory from 1750 to 1865 (historical map)
This historical map of Montgomery County, Virginia, was compiled from maps, historical records, and traditions by J. R. Hildebrand, who copyrighted the historical map in 1970. It contains a brief history of the county surrounding the map, and on the map are identified locations for incidents of historical interest. The map is bordered by a list of names of men who, presumably, lived in the county.
Historical Map of Montgomery County, Virginia, Giving the Names and Locations of Many of the Early Adventurers in the Territory from 1750 to 1865 (historical map) (reproduction)
J. H. Wissler's Coal Property on Both Sides of Prices Mountain in Montgomery County, Virginia
Map shows J. H. Wissler's Coal Property near Price's Mountain in Montgomery County, Virginia.
Linkous-Vyule Appalachian Electric Power Company, Pulaski, VA Add., One Mi. South Prices Fork on Hwys. 114 and 659
Map shows the Linkous-Vyule addition from Appalachian Electric Power Company. The addition is in Montgomery County, Virginia, near Stroubles Creek.
Map of 482 Acres of Timber and Coal Land on Prices Mountain in Montgomery County, Virginia
Blueprint map shows timber and coal land south of Price's Mountain in Montgomery County, Virginia.
[Map of Area Between Roanoke Street and Harding Avenue, Blacksburg, Virginia]
Map shows the grounds of St. Mary's Catholic Church and Blacksburg Cemetery between Harding Avenue and Roanoke Street in Blacksburg, Virginia. This map had previously been assigned the title "Town of Blacksburg Cemetery."
Map of Blacksburg, Christiansburg, and Radford, Virginia
Map shows streets of Blacksburg and Christiansburg, Virginia, on one side; Radford is on the reverse. It contains an index for each town and city.
Map of Campus of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Map is in blueprint, and it shows the VPI campus in 1911.
Map of Campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Map shows the campus of VPI, along with topography lines and points of triangulation.
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Local/Regional History and Appalachian South 132
- Maps (documents) 131
- Blacksburg (Va.) 102
- Coal mines and mining 6
- Christiansburg (Va.) 5
- Cemeteries 2
- Faculty and staff 1
- Geology 1
- Pulaski County (Va.) 1
- Radford (Va.) 1
- Railroad 1
- University History 1 + ∧ less
- Names
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute (1944-1970) 36
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (1970-) 18
- Murrill, A. 9
- Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute (1896-1944) 9
- Commonwealth of Virginia. Department of Highways 7
- Wall, W. F. 6
- Foster, A. G. 3
- Hall, Childress 3
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Department of Civil Engineering 3
- Blacksburg Colored Graveyard Association 2
- Broyles, H. C. 2
- Campbell, Albert H. (Albert Henry), 1826-1899 2
- Clements & Draper 2
- Cowgill, Clinton Harriman, 1890-1975 2
- Dickinson, W. 2
- Dwight, C. S. 2
- Geological Survey (U.S.) 2
- Gilmer, Jeremy Francis, 1818-1883 2
- Hall, W. J. 2
- Hildebrand, J. R. 2
- Manning, Warren H. (Warren Henry), 1860-1938 2
- McBryde, John McLaren, 1841-1923 2
- McGauhey, P. H. (Percy Harold) 2
- Montgomery County Planning Department (Montgomery County, Va.) 2
- National Flood Insurance Program (U.S.) 2
- Price, Harvey Lee, 1874-1951 2
- Roanoke Historical Society 2
- Southern Anthracite Coal Company 2
- United States. Department of Housing and Urban Development 2
- Vandenberg, H. P. C. 2
- Walker, J. H. 2
- Wall, Harry A. 2
- Wiley & Wilson, Inc 2
- Alfred Hopkins & Associates 1
- Appalachian Electric Power Company (1926-1958) 1
- Association for the Advancement of Engineering 1
- Bartholomew, M. J. 1
- Black, Alexander 1
- Black, L. K. 1
- Blackford, W. W. (William Willis), 1831-1905 1
- Blacksburg Realty Corporation and Reliance Mills 1
- Blacksburg Sun 1
- Boyd, S. M., Jr. 1
- Bryan, George 1
- California Company 1
- Chace, George 1
- Chace, Jacob 1
- Confederate Engineer Bureau 1
- Davis, W. B. 1
- Dunlap, Bessie 1
- Evans, Almirall and Co 1
- Firestone Tire and Rubber Company 1
- Fishburn, Junius Blair 1
- Gehrken, G. A. 1
- Geological Survey. Water Resources Division (U.S.) 1
- Gerald, Annie Laura 1
- Giesen-Caldwell 1
- Hard Coal Mines Inc 1
- Hornbarger, Hiram 1
- Howe, D. D. 1
- Keister, Jacob 1
- King, C. D. 1
- Leakin, John 1
- Linkous, H. D. 1
- Livesay, E. A. 1
- Madison, James, 1749-1812 1
- Martin, Otho 1
- Montgomery Anthracite Coal Co 1
- New River Valley Planning District Commission 1
- Noonkester Real Estate 1
- O.W. Gray & Son 1
- Pierce, Tom J. (Realtor) 1
- Plunkett, William 1
- Powell, J. Dalrymple 1
- R. Stuart Royer & Associates 1
- Randolph, Lingan S., Sr., 1859-1922 1
- Richmond Civil War Centennial Committee 1
- Robinson, Russell Moore 1
- S., E. E. 1
- Sanborn Map Company 1
- Schreiner-Yantis, Netti, 1930- 1
- Smithfield Plantation House (Blacksburg, Va.) 1
- Sons of the Revolution. Virginia Society 1
- Sterrett, William M. 1
- Terrascape Publications (Firm) 1
- The Design Collaborative 1
- Trenor, H. M. 1
- Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College (1872-1896) 1
- Virginia Anthracite Coal and Railway Company 1
- Virginia Historical Society 1
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Campus Planning, Space and Real Estate. Office of the University Architect 1
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Office of Planning and Engineering 1
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Alumni Association 1
- Welch, S. W. 1
- Wissler, J. H. 1
- Wood, Henry L. 1
- Woodward, Susan L. (1944 January 20-) 1 + ∧ less