Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 58
Natalie de Blois Architectural Collection
The Natalie de Blois Architectural Collection includes correspondence; original notes; magazine/journal clippings; finished project photographs, published materials; sketches; water colors; and project records related to a sampling of de Blois' architectural projects.
Kerstin Dörhöfer Architectural Collection
Donna Dunay Papers,
Professor of Architecture at Virginia Polytechnic and State University; member of the IAWA Board of Advisors and its chair from 1994-2000. Collection includes History of Architecture Cybercore Project, (CD-ROM, 2000) and Blacksburg Competition.
Judith Edelman Architectural Papers
Carmen Espegel Alonso Architectural Collection
This collection consists of the papers of Carmen Espegel Alonso, practicing architect in Madrid, Spain, including correspondence, a copy of her thesis, graphic dossiers, and a catalog of her architectural work.
Marcia Feuerstein Architectural Collection
The Marcia Feuerstein Architectural Collection contains information about architecture school projects and teaching information from classes led at University of Pennsylvania and Temple University. Notes, sketches, correspondence, and photographs from professional design and renovation projects as well as competition entries are included. Also included are conference and lecture materials, copies of papers and publications, and photos of artwork.
Nancy Florence Architectural Collection
Nancy Florence was an architect based in northern California. She designed residences and studios throughout California and the Northwest. This collection documents her personal and professional activities between 1954-2014, including her architectural studies, organizational activities, travel, projects, and career with her practice, The Design Collaboration.
"Glass Ceilings: Highlights from the International Archive of Women in Architecture Center," selected exhibit panels
"Glass Ceilings: Highlights from the International Archive of Women in Architecture Center" was an exhibition held at the Virginia Center for Architecture in Richmond, Virginia, as part of their Dominion Exhibition Series and was on display from March 4-June 6, 2010. It featured the work of pioneering women in architecture and design from the International Archive of Women in Architecture (IAWA) collection at Virginia Tech.
Lois Davidson Gottlieb Architectural Collection,
This collection includes the papers of Lois Davidson Gottlieb, architectural designer, author, and lecturer. It includes photographs, writings, storyboards, and printed material relating to her various professional activities as an author and lecturer, as well as some drawings from her work as an undergraduate and graduate student. Also includes files and drawings relating to her work on various residential design projects dating from 1951 to 2002.
Lilia Gramatikova Architectural Collection
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Architects 15
- Architectural drawings (visual works) 13
- Architectural drawing -- 20th century 12
- Women architects -- Bulgaria 7
- Architecture (discipline) 6
- Women architects -- California 5
- Women-owned architectural firms 5
- Women architects -- Germany 4
- Women architects -- New York 3
- Architects -- Switzerland 2
- Architects and community 2
- Faculty and staff 2
- Women architects -- Virginia 2
- Architects -- Bulgaria 1
- Architects -- Virginia 1
- Architecture -- Study and teaching 1
- Blacksburg (Va.) 1
- Diaries 1
- Local/Regional History and Appalachian South 1
- Montgomery County (Va.) 1
- Nagoya-shi (Japan) 1
- Photographs 1
- Students and alumni 1
- University History 1
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University -- College of Architecture and Urban Studies -- Milka Bliznakov Prize 1
- Women architects -- Connecticut 1
- Women architects -- India 1
- Women architects -- Israel 1
- Women architects -- Italy 1
- Women architects -- Japan 1
- Women architects -- New Jersey 1
- Women architects -- Spain 1
- Women architects -- Switzerland 1
- Women architects -- Washington (State) 1
- Women in higher education 1 + ∧ less
- Language
- English 47
- German 6
- Bulgarian 4
- Japanese 2
- Hebrew 1
- Names
- Bliznakov, Milka T., 1927-2010 3
- Dunay, Donna 3
- International Union of Women Architects 3
- Alonso, Carmen Espegel 2
- Channel, Mary Brown, 1907-2006 2
- Currie, Virginia M. Herz, 1913-2006 2
- Gottlieb, Lois Davidson 2
- Harkness, Sarah Pillsbury, 1914-2013 2
- Horton, Inge S. 2
- Matsukawa-Tsuchida, Junko 2
- Oron, Joyce, 1954- 2
- Rufer-Eckmann, Claire, 1914-1974 2
- Sokolina, Anna P. 2
- Somaya, Brinda 2
- Torre, Susana, 1944- 2
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (1970-) 2
- Alonso, Martha 1
- American Institute of Architects 1
- American Institute of Architects. Women in Architecture 1
- Architectural League of New York 1
- Art League of Philadelphia 1
- Aulenti, Gae, 1929-2012 1
- Austrian Cultural Forum 1
- Bauer, Isabel 1
- Ben-Joseph, Eran 1
- Ben-Joseph, Holly D. 1
- Bertrand, Wendy 1
- Bevilacqua, Sonia 1
- Billeter, Beate 1
- Birmingham, Elizabeth J. 1
- Bonney, Claire 1
- Brandariz, Graciela 1
- Brown, Lori 1
- California Women in Environmental Design 1
- Choneva, Krasimira 1
- Cochrane, Margaret Ann 1
- Cruise, Kathleen 1
- Daskalova, Snezha, 1925- 1
- De Blois, Natalie, 1921-2013 1
- Dodge, Anne C. 1
- Duncombe, A. Jane, 1925- 1
- Dörhöfer, Kerstin, 1943- 1
- Edelman, Judith, 1923-2014 1
- Erkarslam, Ozlem 1
- Feuerstein, Marcia 1
- Fuhrimann, Verena 1
- Gorgenyi, Judit 1
- Gramatikova, Lilia 1
- Hall, Louise 1
- Hannah, Dorrita 1
- Harling, Elisabeth-Charlotte, 1922-2011 1
- Hastings, L. Jane 1
- Hayden, Florence Kenyon 1
- Hazwaw, Masako 1
- Higashi, Yumiko 1
- Hofheinz, Elsa Marie, 1912-2012 1
- Hoksza, Eva 1
- Hubacher-Constam, Annemarie 1
- Inagaki, Hiroko 1
- Ishikawa, Yaeko 1
- Jansone, Vera E., 1915-2004 1
- Judin-Mutzenberg, Jetti 1
- Katsumi, Noriko 1
- Kechedzhieva, Nevena Stoianova, b.1927 1
- Kiisk, Linda 1
- Laleyan, Marie-Louise, 1935-2014 1
- Lucas, Patrick Lee 1
- Masamune, Kazuko 1
- Merrett, Andrea J. 1
- Møller, Alice Finnerup 1
- Nadel, Barbara 1
- Nakahara, Nobuko, 1929-2008 1
- Nanasy, Ilona 1
- Nanay, Eva 1
- Nencheck, Lindsay 1
- Ninova, Tsvetana, b.1923 1
- O'Neill, Virginia B. (Virginia Brown), 1923-1999 1
- Organization of Women Architects and Design Professionals 1
- Parsons, Winifred 1
- Peeva, Maria Georgieva 1
- Pettersen, Eleanore, 1916-2003 1
- Rahm, Berta 1
- Richter, Elizabeth Chu 1
- Roth, Maria 1
- Rühle, Karin 1
- Schroeder, Han, 1918-1992 1
- Schütte-Lihotzky, Margarete, 1897-2000 1
- Sekulić-Gvozdanović, Sena 1
- Skala, Lilia Sofer, 1896-1994 1
- Smithson, Alison, 1928-1993 1
- Stoyel, Janet 1
- Stratigakus, Despina 1
- Suzuki, Hisako 1
- Suzuki, Michihiko 1
- Tanimura, Rutsu 1
- Tigerman, Bobbye 1
- Tihanyi, Judit 1
- Toshiko-Yamamoto, Kimiyo 1
- Tyng, Anne Griswold, 1920-2011 1
- Vinciarelli, Lauretta 1 + ∧ less