Found in 71 Collections and/or Records:
Meeting Minutes of the Art League of Philadelphia and Diary of Art League Member Elsa Marie Hofheinz
This collection contains a book of meeting minutes for the Art League of Philadelphia recorded primarily by secretaries Margaret Nefferdorf and Elsa Hofheinz. The collection also includes Elsa Hofheinz's diary from 1928 when she was in high school.
Caroline Virginia Taliferro Millar Diary
Caroline Virginia Taliferro Millar was the wife of a doctor in Georgia. Collection consists of a photocopy of her diary kept during the first years of the Civil War.
Nina Millspaugh Diary
This collection includes a diary of a Kansas City, Kansas, housewife. She gives the weather in most entries and an account of her chores and the day's events. Entries cover March-April 1889 and August 1895-September 1898.
William T. Morgans Diary
Benjamin M. Peck Diaries,
The collection includes two Civil War diaries of Captain Benjamin M. Peck of the 141st Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry and later, the 1st U. S. Sharp Shooters. The diaries span 1864 and 1865, and document Peck's experiences traveling from Pennsylvania, his service (which took him to major battles in Virginia), and his eventual return home to Towanda, PA.
Philip G. Peltz Journal
This collection contains the journal of Philip G. Peltz, chief engineer of the U.S.S. Dacotah during the American Civil War. It also includes a typed, bound transcription of the journal.
Sue R. Preston Diary
The collection contains the diary of Sue R. Preston, a young middle-class woman of Detroit, Michigan and later nurse-in-training at Sarah Leigh Hospital in Norfolk, Virginia, dated January 7, 1907 to October 13, 1907. Describes her daily activities in Detroit, including shopping, reading, watching her favorite stage personalities at the Temple Theatre, and following the famous Thaw Murder Trial. Enclosed are numerous newspaper clippings that pertain to the trial and theater gossip.
Margaret S. K. Ross Diary
Sigrid L. Rupp Architectural Collection
J. W. Ryland Diary
The J. W. Ryland Diary consists of a single Civil War diary kept by J. W. Ryland between September 1863-1865. In his diary, Ryland records activities from September 1863 – January 1866. His entries include the topics of the creation of the Confederate States of America, rail cars, and battles such as the Siege of Charleston, SC, the Siege of Petersburg, the Battle of Sailor’s Creek, the surrender at Appomattox Court House, and the weary Confederate trek home following April 9, 1865.