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Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 87

Edwin R. Coghill Collection

Identifier: Ms-2009-058

The collection contains the American Civil War memoir of Sergeant Edwin R. Coghill of Company E ("Caroline Greys"), 30th Virginia Infantry, of the Confederate Army together with a post-war company roster, and a 1970 booklet commemorating a memorial service for General Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson at Bethel Baptist Church and containing a transcript of Coghill's memoir.

Dates: ca. 1864-1970

Jacob Cohn Diary

Identifier: Ms-2008-002

The collection contains the American Civil War diary of Jacob Cohn, a soldier in Company A, 54th Pennsylvania Infantry.

Dates: 1863 - 1864

Richard Colburn Diary

Identifier: Ms-2010-010

The collection consists of the American Civil War diary of Richard Colburn, an enlisted Union soldier of the 12th Infantry of the Army of the Potomac. The diary details camp life, daily activities, battles, and Colburn's captivity as a POW beginning in July 1862.

Dates: 1861 - 1863

M. M. Cottingim Diary,

Identifier: Ms-2012-033

The collection consists of a diary written by M.M. Cottingim between April and October of 1862.

Dates: 1862

Daniel Curtis Collection,

Identifier: Ms-2013-047

The collection consists of an unbound diary, marching orders, and an itemized list of purchases kept by Daniel Curtis in May 1864.

Dates: 1864 - 1864

Otis Dean Diary

Identifier: Ms-2008-010

The collection contains the diary of Otis Dean, a private in Company E, 56th Massachusetts Infantry during the American Civil War.

Dates: 1864 - 1865


Identifier: Ms-2021-034

This diary contains a daily log on the weather and what this unnamed person did for the day. It usually ranges from doing household chores, helping the local women with shopping, where the author works, and other activities.

Dates: 1869

David Dobie Diary

Identifier: Ms-2023-021

This collection contains a diary written by Captain David Dobie (1840-1900), an officer in the Union Army. The diary primarily discusses life in camp, marches, skirmishes with the Confederate Army, and other aspects of military life during the American Civil War.

Dates: 1863

Alfred Washington Drinkard, Jr. Diary

Identifier: Ms-1996-019

Daily 1947 diary of Alfred Washington Drinkard, Jr., assistant director of Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, 1946-1948 (and previous director, 1916-1946), mentioning people and events associated with the experiment station, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, and Blacksburg, Virginia.

Dates: 1947

European Travel Diary

Identifier: Ms-1989-002

Extensive description of a two-month European tour through Italy, Greece, and Albania, by an unidentified writer, possibly an Englishman living in Ireland.

Dates: 1847

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Civil War 68
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Diaries 67
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 65
Diaries 44
Women -- History 15
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Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College (1872-1896) 2
A. W. Luster 1
Adams, Richard Henry (5th Regiment, Alabama Infantry) 1
Alexander, M. Clair 1
Amiss, Edwin 1
∨ more
Apperson family 1
Apperson, Alex 1
Apperson, Elizabeth Black 1
Apperson, Harvey Black, 1890-1948 1
Apperson, John Samuel, 1837-1904 1
Apperson, Mary 1
Art League of Philadelphia 1
Atkinson, Archibald, Jr., 1832-1903 1
Babcock, Willis A., b. abt. 1840-? 1
Barnard, Judith Roane Fenner, 1896-1984 1
Barnett, William W., 1840-1876 (8th Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserve Infantry (37th Volunteers)) 1
Bear family (Augusta County, Va.) 1
Black family 1
Black, Harvey, 1827-1888 1
Black, Kent, active 1876-1890 1
Black, Mary Kent, b.1836 1
Bonsall, George W. 1
Bowmaster, Patrick A. 1
Branch, James A. 1
Brewer, Jane E. Rhodes, 1830-1904 1
Brown, R. Baxter 1
Burnell, Henry L., 1841-1912 (8th Maine Volunteer Infanry) 1
Bushee, Charles H. (Charles Henry), 1828-1863 1
Caton, Louise 1
Chase, Thomas C. 1
Clark, Charles E. 1
Cleveland family (Wisconsin) 1
Cleveland, Alva, b.1805 1
Coghill, Edwin R., 1842-1925 1
Cohn, Jacob 1
Colburn, Richard, 1832-1907 1
Confederate States of America. Army. Mississippi Calvary Regiment, 2nd 1
Confederate States of America. Army. Stonewall Brigade 1
Confederate States of America. Army. Virginia Infantry Regiment, 30th 1
Cottingim, M. M., d.1862 (2nd Regiment, Mississippi Infantry) 1
Curtis, Daniel S., d.1890 1
Dean, Otis, 1821-1907 1
Dobie, David F., 1840-1900 1
Drinkard, Alfred Washington, Jr. 1
Early, Jubal Anderson, 1816-1894 1
Eastern Lunatic Asylum of Virginia 1
Graves, Jeremiah White (Pittsylvania County, Va.) 1
Hancock, John H., c.1841-1913 1
Hanks, Orlando T. (Orlando Thacker), 1844-1926 1
Harmon, Edward P., c.1844-1888 1
Harville, John McBride, 1839-1913 1
Hawkins, James P., 1845-1931 1
Hawse, Jasper, 1835-1905 1
Hofheinz, Elsa Marie, 1912-2012 1
Holliday, John (91st Ohio Volunteer Infantry) 1
Hook, Christian 1
Huddle, Benjamin, 1840-1916 1
Huddle, Randal 1
Jenks, Joel H., b.1836(?) 1
Johnson, B. H., 1811-? 1
Johnston, P. 1
Kelsey, Stephen R. 1
Kent family 1
Kent, Germanicus, 1791-1862 1
Kent, Lewis (enslaved person) 1
Koontz family 1
Lacey, William J., b.1835(?) 1
Lemon, Lewis 1
Leonard, William A., b.1843(?) 1
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 1
Lowber, Daniel A., 1844-1902 1
Manchester, Thomas Wilbur, 1841-1928 1
Mantor, Alfred L., abt. 1836(?)-1864 1
Marion Foundry and Machine Works (Marion, Va.) 1
Marshall, George H., c.1835-1919 1
Mason, Ebenezer E., 1829-1910 1
Massachusetts. Militia. Gloucester Artillery Company 1
Maybury, John R., 1828-1917 1
McKenna, Charles F., 1844-1922 1
Miles, James, d.1865 1
Millar, Caroline Virginia Taliferro 1
Millspaugh, Nina 1
Minor, Charles L. C., 1835-1903 1
Moody, John F., d.1862 1
Morgans, William T. , 1844-1882 1
Murdoch, Francis A., b.1847 1
Myers, John H. 1
Peck, Benjamin M., 1838-1899 1
Peltz, Philip G., 1832-1868 1
Pittenger, William, 1838-1896 1
Poland, Charles O., b.1836 1
Preston and Olin Institute (Blacksburg, Va.) 1
Preston, Sue R. 1
Ross, Margaret Selden Kennedy, 1902-1982 1
Rupp, Sigrid Lorenzen, 1943-2004 1
Ryland, John W. (John William), 1837-1905 (34th Infantry, Virginia Regiment) 1
Shue, George W. (Wisconsin) 1
Smiley, Jacob Wallace, 1833-1864 1
Smith, Merritt Hager 1
Southwestern Lunatic Asylum of Virginia (1887-1935) 1
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