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Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 74

Kristine Fallon Prize Records

Identifier: Ms-2023-028

Materials in this collection are a mixture of hardcopy and electronic submissions, including .pdf files created by selected applicants and award recipients. The files in this collection consist of winning first-round proposals, final submissions for selected proposals, and final award winning pieces.

Dates: 2022-

Femmes Bâtisseuses d'Afrique (Women Builders of Africa) Informational Materials

Identifier: Ms-2022-082

The collection contains two small pamphlets and one loose-bound booklet about the organization Femmes Bâtisseuses d'Afrique (Women Builders of Africa). Materials are primarily in French; there are some English translations of phrases in the two small pamphlets.

Dates: c. 2013

Marcia Feuerstein Architectural Collection

Identifier: Ms-2007-007

The Marcia Feuerstein Architectural Collection contains information about architecture school projects and teaching information from classes led at University of Pennsylvania and Temple University. Notes, sketches, correspondence, and photographs from professional design and renovation projects as well as competition entries are included. Also included are conference and lecture materials, copies of papers and publications, and photos of artwork.

Dates: 1982 - 1996

Nancy Florence Architectural Collection

Identifier: Ms-2016-007

Nancy Florence was an architect based in northern California. She designed residences and studios throughout California and the Northwest. This collection documents her personal and professional activities between 1954-2014, including her architectural studies, organizational activities, travel, projects, and career with her practice, The Design Collaboration.

Dates: February 2016

"Glass Ceilings: Highlights from the International Archive of Women in Architecture Center," selected exhibit panels

Identifier: Ms-2011-075

"Glass Ceilings: Highlights from the International Archive of Women in Architecture Center" was an exhibition held at the Virginia Center for Architecture in Richmond, Virginia, as part of their Dominion Exhibition Series and was on display from March 4-June 6, 2010. It featured the work of pioneering women in architecture and design from the International Archive of Women in Architecture (IAWA) collection at Virginia Tech.

Dates: 2010

Lois Davidson Gottlieb Architectural Collection,

Identifier: Ms-1997-003

This collection includes the papers of Lois Davidson Gottlieb, architectural designer, author, and lecturer. It includes photographs, writings, storyboards, and printed material relating to her various professional activities as an author and lecturer, as well as some drawings from her work as an undergraduate and graduate student. Also includes files and drawings relating to her work on various residential design projects dating from 1951 to 2002.

Dates: 1945 - 2009

Lilia Gramatikova Architectural Collection

Identifier: Ms-2001-023
Abstract Lilia Gramatikova is an Bulgarian architect who practiced in Bulgaria, Mongolia, and East Germany from 1953-1985. The collection consists of 72 hand-drawn architectural drawings of two projects: Music High School for Folk Instruments and Folk Singing in Shiroka Lukka, Bulgaria (1974) and Territorial Information and Computing Center in Vrasta, Bulgaria (1981). Also present is a drawing (photocopy) of Gramatikova's personal residence in Sofia (1965) and a folder containing biographical...
Dates: 1960 - 2007; Majority of material found within dates 1965-1981

Louise Hall Papers

Identifier: Ms-2000-086

Louise Hall (1905-1990) was an American architect, who taught art and architectural history at Duke University from 1931 to 1975. Her papers document her teaching career, architecture career, and personal life.

Dates: 1893-1990, n.d.

Sarah Pillsbury Harkness Architectural Collection

Identifier: Ms-1997-024

The Sarah Pillsbury Harkness Architectural Collection consists of biographical information, a booklet documenting the presentations given on November 21, 1991, and architectural drawings and photographs for her 1996-1997 design of a house in Essex, Massachusetts.

Dates: 1986 - 2013

Elisabeth-Charlotte Harling Architectural Collection

Identifier: Ms-1999-007

The Elisabeth-Charlotte Harling Architectural Collection consists of architectural drawings, photographs, specifications, correspondence, newspaper clippings, publications, and other materials organized in two series, documents and drawings.

Dates: 1950 - 1998

Filtered By

  • Subject: History of Women in Architecture X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

International Archive of Women in Architecture (IAWA) 73
Women -- History 58
Architects 16
Architectural drawings (visual works) 15
Architectural drawing -- 20th century 13
∨ more  
English 60
German 6
Bulgarian 4
French 2
Japanese 2
∨ more  
Dunay, Donna 4
Bliznakov, Milka T., 1927-2010 3
International Union of Women Architects 3
Alonso, Carmen Espegel 2
Channel, Mary Brown, 1907-2006 2
∨ more
Currie, Virginia M. Herz, 1913-2006 2
Fallon, Kristine K. 2
Gottlieb, Lois Davidson 2
Harkness, Sarah Pillsbury, 1914-2013 2
Hastings, L. Jane 2
Horton, Inge S. 2
Matsukawa-Tsuchida, Junko 2
Oron, Joyce, 1954- 2
Rufer-Eckmann, Claire, 1914-1974 2
Sokolina, Anna P. 2
Somaya, Brinda 2
Torre, Susana, 1944- 2
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (1970-) 2
Alonso, Martha 1
American Institute of Architects 1
American Institute of Architects. Women in Architecture 1
Architectural League of New York 1
Art League of Philadelphia 1
Aulenti, Gae, 1929-2012 1
Austrian Cultural Forum 1
Bacon, John, I, 1740-1799 (English sculptor) 1
Bauer, Isabel 1
Ben-Joseph, Eran 1
Ben-Joseph, Holly D. 1
Bertrand, Wendy 1
Bevilacqua, Sonia 1
Billeter, Beate 1
Birmingham, Elizabeth J. 1
Bonney, Claire 1
Brandariz, Graciela 1
Brown, Lori 1
California Women in Environmental Design 1
Choneva, Krasimira 1
Coade, Eleanor, 1733-1821 1
Cochrane, Margaret Ann 1
Cruise, Kathleen 1
Daskalova, Snezha, 1925- 1
De Blois, Natalie, 1921-2013 1
Dodge, Anne C. 1
Dows, Wena W., 1928- 1
Drosten, Mary Lou, 1910-1991 1
Duncombe, A. Jane, 1925- 1
Dörhöfer, Kerstin, 1943- 1
Edelman, Judith, 1923-2014 1
Erkarslam, Ozlem 1
Esséssé, Amélie 1
Feuerstein, Marcia 1
Fuhrimann, Verena 1
Gorgenyi, Judit 1
Gramatikova, Lilia 1
Hall, Louise 1
Hannah, Dorrita 1
Harling, Elisabeth-Charlotte, 1922-2011 1
Hayden, Florence Kenyon 1
Hazwaw, Masako 1
Higashi, Yumiko 1
Hofheinz, Elsa Marie, 1912-2012 1
Hoksza, Eva 1
Hubacher-Constam, Annemarie 1
Inagaki, Hiroko 1
Ishikawa, Yaeko 1
Jansone, Vera E., 1915-2004 1
Judin-Mutzenberg, Jetti 1
Katsumi, Noriko 1
Kechedzhieva, Nevena Stoianova, b.1927 1
Kiisk, Linda 1
Kushner, Pinky 1
Laleyan, Marie-Louise, 1935-2014 1
Lucas, Patrick Lee 1
Masamune, Kazuko 1
Merrett, Andrea J. 1
Møller, Alice Finnerup 1
Nadel, Barbara 1
Nakahara, Nobuko, 1929-2008 1
Nanasy, Ilona 1
Nanay, Eva 1
Nencheck, Lindsay 1
New York World's Fair 1939, Inc. 1
Ninova, Tsvetana, b.1923 1
O'Neill, Virginia B. (Virginia Brown), 1923-1999 1
Organization of Women Architects and Design Professionals 1
Parsons, Winifred 1
Peeva, Maria Georgieva 1
Pettersen, Eleanore, 1916-2003 1
Pontius, Geraldine 1
Rahm, Berta 1
Richter, Elizabeth Chu 1
Rivard, Betsy Drosten 1
Roth, Maria 1
Rühle, Karin 1
Schroeder, Han, 1918-1992 1
Schütte-Lihotzky, Margarete, 1897-2000 1
Sekulić-Gvozdanović, Sena 1
Shchetinina, Anna Alexandrovna 1
Skala, Lilia Sofer, 1896-1994 1
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