Showing Collections: 61 - 70 of 75
Anna Alexandrovna Shchetinina Architectural Collection
Mary Anne Shephard Manuscript
Anna P. Sokolina Architectural Collection
Anna P. Sokolina is an architectural historian. The majority of the collection consists of her publications, professional documentation, conferences participation, exhibit catalogs, teaching materials, and materials related to her involvement in the International Archive of Women in Architecture.
Brinda Somaya Architectural Collection
The Brinda Somaya Architectural Collection (2000-2001) comprises The Hecar Foundation's exhibit "Women in Architecture - 2000 Plus" and publications. Somaya is an architect and conservationist in India.
H. May Steinmesch Papers, 1915 - 1975 (bulk 1915-1950)
Kimiko Suzuki Architectural Collection,
The collection contains 3 sets of drawings and a publication for the Susume Abe residence completed in 1967. Abe was a famous education critic in Japan.
Rutsu Tanimura Drawings
Rutsu Tanimura is an architect in Nagoya City, Japan. The collection comprises two drawing panels for Asahidai House by Tanimura. The panels demonstrate the design for a house on a sloping site in Aichi-pre.
"That Exceptional One: Women in American Architecture, 1888-1988," Exhibition
This collection includes a traveling exhibit created by the American Architectural Foundation of the American Institute of Architects about women in American architecture. The exhibit starts with Louise Bethune, who in 1888 was the first woman to join the AIA. Materials include exhibit panels, planning documents and research for the creation of the exhibit.
The Town of Tomorrow and Home Building Center Souvenir Folder,
The collection consists of plans and information about 15 demonstration houses in a model village at the 1939 World's Fair in New York.
Susana Torre Architectural Collection
After earning her degree in architecture in Buenos Aires, Argentinean Susana Torre arrived in New York in 1968 to study and practice architecture. Women's place in architecture and renovation of buildings are topics of particular interest to her. The Susana Torre collection consists of professional correspondence, project files, architectural drawings and sketches of some of her works, research notes, published articles about and by Torre, and teaching notes.
Filtered By
- Subject: History of Women in Architecture X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- International Archive of Women in Architecture (IAWA) 74
- Women -- History 58
- Architects 16
- Architectural drawings (visual works) 15
- Architectural drawing -- 20th century 13
- Architecture (discipline) 10
- Women-owned architectural firms 8
- Women architects -- Bulgaria 7
- Women architects -- California 6
- Women architects -- Germany 4
- Architects and community 3
- Women architects -- New York 3
- Architects -- Switzerland 2
- Faculty and staff 2
- West Africa 2
- Women architects -- Virginia 2
- Advertising cards 1
- Architects -- Bulgaria 1
- Architects -- Portugal 1
- Architects -- Virginia 1
- Architectural firms 1
- Architecture -- Computer-aided design 1
- Architecture -- Study and teaching 1
- Association for Women in Architecture (U.S.) 1
- Blacksburg (Va.) 1
- Central Africa 1
- Cocktail History Collection 1
- Cocktails -- History 1
- Diaries 1
- History of Food and Drink 1
- Local/Regional History and Appalachian South 1
- Montgomery County (Va.) 1
- Nagoya-shi (Japan) 1
- Photographs 1
- Stratford-upon-Avon 1
- Students and alumni 1
- University History 1
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University -- College of Architecture and Urban Studies -- Milka Bliznakov Prize 1
- Women architects -- Connecticut 1
- Women architects -- Illinois 1
- Women architects -- India 1
- Women architects -- Israel 1
- Women architects -- Italy 1
- Women architects -- Japan 1
- Women architects -- Missouri 1
- Women architects -- New Jersey 1
- Women architects -- Rhode Island 1
- Women architects -- Russia 1
- Women architects -- Spain 1
- Women architects -- Switzerland 1
- Women architects -- Tennessee 1
- Women architects -- Washington (State) 1
- Women in higher education 1 + ∧ less
- Language
- English 61
- German 6
- Bulgarian 4
- French 2
- Japanese 2
- Names
- Dunay, Donna 4
- Bliznakov, Milka T., 1927-2010 3
- International Union of Women Architects 3
- Alonso, Carmen Espegel 2
- Channel, Mary Brown, 1907-2006 2
- Currie, Virginia M. Herz, 1913-2006 2
- Fallon, Kristine K. 2
- Gottlieb, Lois Davidson 2
- Harkness, Sarah Pillsbury, 1914-2013 2
- Hastings, L. Jane 2
- Horton, Inge S. 2
- Matsukawa-Tsuchida, Junko 2
- Oron, Joyce, 1954- 2
- Rufer-Eckmann, Claire, 1914-1974 2
- Sokolina, Anna P. 2
- Somaya, Brinda 2
- Torre, Susana, 1944- 2
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (1970-) 2
- Alonso, Martha 1
- American Institute of Architects 1
- American Institute of Architects. Women in Architecture 1
- Architectural League of New York 1
- Art League of Philadelphia 1
- Aulenti, Gae, 1929-2012 1
- Austrian Cultural Forum 1
- Bacon, John, I, 1740-1799 (English sculptor) 1
- Bauer, Isabel 1
- Ben-Joseph, Eran 1
- Ben-Joseph, Holly D. 1
- Bertrand, Wendy 1
- Bevilacqua, Sonia 1
- Billeter, Beate 1
- Birmingham, Elizabeth J. 1
- Bonney, Claire 1
- Brandariz, Graciela 1
- Brown, Lori 1
- California Women in Environmental Design 1
- Choneva, Krasimira 1
- Coade, Eleanor, 1733-1821 1
- Cochrane, Margaret Ann 1
- Cruise, Kathleen 1
- Daskalova, Snezha, 1925- 1
- De Blois, Natalie, 1921-2013 1
- Dodge, Anne C. 1
- Dows, Wena W., 1928- 1
- Drosten, Mary Lou, 1910-1991 1
- Duncombe, A. Jane, 1925- 1
- Dörhöfer, Kerstin, 1943- 1
- Edelman, Judith, 1923-2014 1
- Erkarslam, Ozlem 1
- Esséssé, Amélie 1
- Feuerstein, Marcia 1
- Fuhrimann, Verena 1
- Gorgenyi, Judit 1
- Gramatikova, Lilia 1
- Hall, Louise 1
- Hannah, Dorrita 1
- Harling, Elisabeth-Charlotte, 1922-2011 1
- Hayden, Florence Kenyon 1
- Hazwaw, Masako 1
- Higashi, Yumiko 1
- Hofheinz, Elsa Marie, 1912-2012 1
- Hoksza, Eva 1
- Hubacher-Constam, Annemarie 1
- Inagaki, Hiroko 1
- Ishikawa, Yaeko 1
- Jansone, Vera E., 1915-2004 1
- Judin-Mutzenberg, Jetti 1
- Katsumi, Noriko 1
- Kechedzhieva, Nevena Stoianova, b.1927 1
- Kiisk, Linda 1
- Kushner, Pinky 1
- Laleyan, Marie-Louise, 1935-2014 1
- Lucas, Patrick Lee 1
- Masamune, Kazuko 1
- Merrett, Andrea J. 1
- Møller, Alice Finnerup 1
- Nadel, Barbara 1
- Nakahara, Nobuko, 1929-2008 1
- Nanasy, Ilona 1
- Nanay, Eva 1
- Nencheck, Lindsay 1
- New York World's Fair 1939, Inc. 1
- Ninova, Tsvetana, b.1923 1
- O'Neill, Virginia B. (Virginia Brown), 1923-1999 1
- Organization of Women Architects and Design Professionals 1
- Parsons, Winifred 1
- Peeva, Maria Georgieva 1
- Pettersen, Eleanore, 1916-2003 1
- Pontius, Geraldine 1
- Rahm, Berta 1
- Richter, Elizabeth Chu 1
- Rivard, Betsy Drosten 1
- Roth, Maria 1
- Rühle, Karin 1
- Schroeder, Han, 1918-1992 1
- Schütte-Lihotzky, Margarete, 1897-2000 1
- Sekulić-Gvozdanović, Sena 1
- Shchetinina, Anna Alexandrovna 1
- Shephard, Mary Anne 1 + ∧ less