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Showing Collections: 31 - 40 of 83

Records of HokiePRIDE

 Record Group
Identifier: RG-31-14-15

The records of HokiePRIDE records include materials from the HokiePRIDE student group including items from all of its named iterations: Lambda Horizions; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Alliance; and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Alliance, including officer papers, office records, event planning information, resource pamphlets and directories, and copies of budgetary requests and accounting records.

Dates: 1971 - 2015; Majority of material found within 1995 - 2013

Stanley A. Huffman Jr. Papers

Identifier: Ms-1991-056

The collection consists of professional papers compiled over the course of Huffman's career at Virginia Tech (1971-1991).

Dates: 1917 - 1991

Records of the Office of the Associate Provost, Patricia Hyer

 Record Group
Identifier: RG-05-01-10a

This collection contains materials from Patricia Hyer's tenure as Associate Provost at Virginia Tech, covering such subjects as inclusion and diversity, women's issues, the AdvanceVT program, and strategic planning. The collection also includes some biographical information.

Dates: 1937 - 2013

Records of the Office of the Dean of Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine, Cynda Ann Johnson

 Record Group
Identifier: RG-46-01-01

This collection contains office files from Cynda Ann Johnson, the founding dean of the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine (VTCSOM). This collection includes office information, travel information, the School of Medicine's class information, reports and magazines, plaques, and personal papers, cards, and correspondence.

Dates: 2008 - 2018

J. Ambler Johnston Papers

Identifier: Ms-1974-012
Abstract The J. Ambler Johnston Papers pertains to his many activities throughout his professional and personal life, especially his involvement with the Civil War Round Table (CWRT) and Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Materials consist of correspondence, publications and ephemera, organizational and committee reports, and photographs, relating to Johnston's involvement with historical and civic organizations including the Sons of Confederate Veterans, Society of the Sons of the Revolution, Virginia...
Dates: 1901 - 1974

Nancy Kelly Denim Day Clippings and Ephemera

Identifier: Ms-2018-035

Ephemera and clippings related to Gay Awareness Week Denim Day held in January 1979 at Virginia Tech.

Dates: 1979 - 1980

Records of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Office of the Vice President for Special Projects, Alfred Krebs

 Record Group
Identifier: RG-05-01-02.01
Abstract The collection consists primarily of the correspondence and other materials of Alfred Krebs in his capacity as Vice President for Special Projects (1975-1976). The collection also includes materials from his period as Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs (1972-1975). His duties as Vice President for Special Projects included university financial functions, chairmanship of the Computer Committee, Systems Development, Institutional Research, and the coordination of the Equal Employment...
Dates: 1963 - 1976

Records of the Office of the Executive Vice-President, William E. Lavery

 Record Group
Identifier: RG-04-03
Abstract This collection contains correspondence and other official records of Lavery during his years as Executive Vice-President (1973-1974) and Vice President of Finance (1968-1973) before becoming President of the University. Collection includes materials concerning budget matters, Board of Visitors, Computing Center, Computer Science, Community Colleges, each of the Colleges, Building Committee, Institutional Research, Task Force for Innovative Approaches to Instruction, University Council and...
Dates: 1968 - 1974

Records of the Office of the President, William E. Lavery

 Record Group
Identifier: RG-02-12

William Edward Lavery (1930-2009) was president of Virginia Tech from 1975 to 1987. The collection contains mainly incoming and outgoing correspondence (1975-1987) concerning college activities and issues of Lavery's administration including admission and records; commencement exercises; inaugural activities; homecoming; the Alumni Association; faculty and student affairs; the College of Veterinary Medicine; speeches and speech material.

Dates: 1975 - 1987

Marching Virginians' April 16, 2007 Condolence Collection,

Identifier: Ms-2013-084

The collection contains the condolence materials received by the Marching Virginians after April 16, 2007. Much of the material pertains to Ryan "Stack" Christopher Clark, baritone and student leader in the Marching Virginians. This collection incorporates a variety of materials and artifacts, including correspondence, posters, banners, an American flag flown on the USS Constitution, scrapbooks, and a band uniform.

Dates: 2007 - 2007

Filtered By

  • Subject: University History X
  • Subject: University Archives X
  • Names: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (1970-) X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Faculty and staff 25
Students and alumni 8
Textiles (visual works) 7
Local/Regional History and Appalachian South 6
Women -- History 6
∨ more  
Virginia Polytechnic Institute (1944-1970) 43
Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute (1896-1944) 28
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Corps of Cadets 8
Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Corps of Cadets (1944-1970) 5
Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College (1872-1896) 3
∨ more
Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute. Corps of Cadets (1896-1944) 3
Krebs, Alfred H. 2
Lavery, William Edward 2
Virginia Cooperative Extension Service 2
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Board of Visitors 2
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. College of Arts and Sciences (1970-2003) 2
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. College of Education (1971-1996) 2
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Office of the Provost 2
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Outreach and International Affairs 2
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. University Libraries 2
Appalachian Student Organizing Committee. Virginia Tech Chapter 1
Beazley, W. R. 1
Bechanan, H. Gordon 1
Black Organizations Council 1
Bonham, Hap (Thirwell William) 1
Brown, Ralph Minthorne, 1878-1958 1
Carneal and Johnston (Richmond, Va.) 1
Cassell, Stuart K., 1910-1976 1
Darnton, Donald C. 1
Dekker, Henry J. 1
Edgemont Farm 1
Eisen, Joel (lawyer) 1
Gay Student Alliance 1
Gherman, Paul M. 1
Greenwood, Ron, Nichols Research Corporation 1
Hahn, T. Marshall, Jr. (Thomas Marshall), 1926-2016 1
HokiePRIDE 1
Holmes, Michele 1
Huffman, Stanley A., Jr. 1
Hutcheson, John Redd, 1886-1962 1
Hutcheson, T. B. (Thomas Barksdale), 1882-1950 1
Hyer, Patricia B. (Patricia Brown), 1948- 1
Johnston, J. Ambler (James Ambler), 1885-1974 1
Koehler, John E., d. 2001 1
Malpass, Leslie F. 1
McBryde family 1
McBryde, Charles Neil, Dr., 1872-1962 1
McBryde, John McLaren, 1841-1923 1
McBryde, Larry 1
McKeefery, William James, 1918- 1
McSweeney, David 1
Metz, Paul, 1948- 1
Miller, Mark (Virginia Center for Innovative Technology) 1
Newman, Walter S. (Walter Stephenson), 1895-1978 1
Radford College 1
Robb, Seymour, 1901-1961 1
Rowe, C. Eugene, d.1987 1
Rudolph, Gerald A. 1
Shirk, Frank 1
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia 1
Strother, Warren, d.2006 1
Temple, Harry Downing 1
Thompson, David (David Walker), 1954- 1
Virginia Cooperative Extension (1995-) 1
Virginia Cooperative Extension. 4-H Youth Development 1
Virginia Museum of Natural History 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. College of Agriculture 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. College of Business (1972-1995) 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. College of Engineering (1964-) 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. College of Liberal Arts & Human Sciences 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Department of Biochemistry 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Department of Dairy Science 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Distance Learning 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Division of Student Affairs. Dining Services 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Extension Division 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Faculty Senate 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Learning Resources Center 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Office for Equal Opportunity 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Office of International Research, Education, and Development 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Office of University Relations 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Public Relations/Information Services 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Rescue Squad (1969-) 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Science and Technology Studies Department 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. University Club (1925-) 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. University Libraries. Special Collections Department 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. University Outreach and International Affairs 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Alumni Association 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Board of Visitors 1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Office of Vice-President of Academic Affairs 1
Virginia Tech Alumni Association 1
Virginia Tech Amateur Radio Association 1
Virginia Tech Education Foundation 1
Virginia Tech Faculty Women's Club (1965-) 1
Virginia Tech Museum of Natural History 1
Virginia Tech Union 1
Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine (1980-present) 1
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