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Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 49

Margaret Leslie Receipt for Soldiers' Benefit

Identifier: Ms-2022-042

This collection contains a soldier's benefit receipt paid to Mrs. Margaret Leslie of Wythe County, Virginia, on May 11, 1863, for supplies furnished to James Leslie, a soldier in the 45th Virginia Regiment of the Confederate Army during the American Civil War.

Dates: 1863

Lobdell Car Wheel Company Account Books

Identifier: Ms-1940-019

This collection contains the records of a Smyth and Wythe County, Virginia furnace and store operations of the Lobdell Car Wheel Company, including customer store accounts, payroll records, and furnace operation reports.

Dates: 1881 - 1902

Max Meadows Quadrangle

 Collection — Object: 1
Identifier: Map-0805

Isabella J. "Bell" McCauley Letters

Identifier: Ms-2023-083

This collection contains two 1860 letters written by Isabella J. "Bell" McCauley (1840-1922) to her father John McCauley (1795-1864) while she attended Wytheville Female College.

Dates: 1860

Postcards from Appalachia,

Identifier: Ms-2015-032

Postcards from Appalachia contains postcards depicting various landmarks, locations, and scenery in the Appalachian region during the first half of the 20th century.

Dates: c.1900-1970s

Pulaski Quadrangle

 Collection — Object: 1
Identifier: Map-0812

Repass/Spangler Family Correspondence,

Identifier: Ms-2012-061

The collection includes two original letters, one 1936 handwritten copy of an 1861 letter, and an undated letter. All correspondence relates to the Repass and Spangler families of Wythe County, Virginia.

Dates: 1861, 1936, undated

Republican Party Broadside, Wythe County, Virginia,

Identifier: Ms-2012-042

This broadside supports Congressional Reconstruction, and opposes backsliding Republicans.

Dates: 1874 - 1874

Rural Retreat High School Educational Exhibit Book,

Identifier: Ms-2013-004

This collection contains a ledger book, circa 1914, containing academic work of students (math, history, and english). Each page includes the name and grade of the student, as well as the teacher.

Dates: c.1914

Rural Retreat High School Visiting Cards

Identifier: Ms-2023-144

The Rural Retreat High School Visting Cards were made for students at the high school in Rural Retreat, Wythe County, Virginia, around 1930. The collection include visiting cards and an original printing plate for a Miss Miriam K. Copenhaver. Other names on the cards include Bessie Louise Willard, Miss Edna E. Neff, Lewis A. Huddle, Garnett P. Miller, Mozelle Heldreth, and John A. Lindamood, Jr.

Dates: [ca. 1930]

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  • Subject: Wythe County (Va.) X

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Local/Regional History and Appalachian South 47
Civil War 10
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 9
Maps (documents) 6
Virginia -- Maps 6
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Geological Survey (U.S.) 7
Rural Retreat High School (Va.) 2
Air Reduction Company (1915-1971) 1
Anthony, James (Buchanan, Va) 1
Bevell, B. 1
∨ more
Boynton, Henry B., 1899-1991 1
Bridges & Sanders. New River Nursery 1
Brown, George D. 1
Buchanan, H. A. 1
C. E. Sydnor & Co. (Richmond, Va.) 1
Caldwell, Manly M., 1861-1940 1
Cassell, Charles M., b.1842(?) 1
Crockett, Robert (Wythe County, Va) 1
Dougherty, John 1
Faraday, Richard 1
Floyd, John B. (John Buchanan), 1806-1863 1
Gibboney, James Madison, 1848-1905 1
Graham, David P. (David Peirce), 1838-1898 1
Hildebrand, J. R. 1
Hotel Roanoke 1
Huddle family 1
Huddle, Charles Richard, 1911-1986 1
Huddle, Charles Ross, 1885-1970 1
Huddle, Royall 1
Hudson, Elizabeth M. Yonce, b.1830(?) 1
Ivanhoe Furnace Company 1
Ivanhoe Mining and Smelting Corporation 1
Johnson, Mary Thompson, b.1799 1
Johnson, Palser 1
Kegley, F. B. (Frederick Bittle), 1877-1968 1
Kegley, Mary B. 1
Kent, Joseph Ferdinand, 1820-1886 1
Lantz, Jacob W., 1868-1940 1
Leslie, Margaret 1
Lobdell Car Wheel Company 1
McCauley, Isabella Jamison, 1840-1922 1
McCauley, John, 1795-1864 1
National Carbide Company 1
Newland, Robert R., 1860-1936 1
Pipen, James H. (Wythe County, Va) 1
Repass, Eli, b.1816? (Stowers' Company, Virginia Militia) 1
Repass, J. A., b.1831; d.1910 (Stowers' Company, Virginia Militia) 1
Repass, Stephen, b.1805; d.1876 (Stowers' Company, Virginia Militia) 1
Roanoke Historical Society 1
Rural Retreat Water Mills (Rural Retreat, Va.) 1
Shugart family (Southwest Virginia) 1
Smithey & Boynton, Architects and Engineers (1935-1992) (Roanoke, Va.) 1
Snavely, A. Aaron, 1825-1880 1
Snavely, Robert 1
Snavely, Sarah Jane, 1833-1863 1
Spangler, Henry M., B.1828; d.1893 (Stowers' Company, Virginia Militia) 1
Tarter Bros. (Rural Retreat, Va.) 1
Tarter family (Wythe County, Virginia) 1
Tarter, James E., 1857-1921 1
Thomas, W. C. (William Crockett), 1881-1963 1
Walker and Caldwell (Wytheville, Va.) 1
Walker, James A., 1832-1901 1
Williams, Lewis 1
Williams, R. A., Captain 1
Yonce family (Wythe County, Virginia) 1
Yonce, Francis, b. abt. 1840 1
Yonce, Mrs. Alfred (Alley/Allie?) 1
Yonce, William B., b. abt. 1832 1
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