Showing Collections: 41 - 50 of 170
Thomas Nelson Conrad Book Manuscript
Thomas Nelson Conrad (1837-1905) served in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War and as President of Virginia Tech. The collection consists of the original manuscript of The Rebel Scout: A Thrilling History of Scouting Life in the Southern Army, written by Conrad from 1891 to 1893, and published in 1904.
Catlett Conway Correspondence,
The collection consists of 65 letters written between Catlett Conway and family members during the years 1892-1920.
Aileen B. Cowardin Friendship Book,
The collection consists of a friendship book collected and maintained by Aileen B. Cowardin. The book includes leaf and plant samples, most of which are labeled as to the location where they were found.
Isaac Cox Letter,
The collection includes a letter from Isaac Cox, 29th Regiment, Virginia Infantry, dated June 29, 1862. A private, and later corporal, Cox writes to his wife about recent regiment activities and travels. The letter was written on paper decorated with cut out designs.
Craft Family Collection,
The Craft Family Collection includes correspondence to and from Jacob Craft during the Civil War, and also includes correspondences written to his daughter Blanche from various soldiers during World War I.
John F. Crosby Papers
The John F. Crosby Papers collection contains John Crosby's research, letters of inquiry, correspondence, and genealogy charts pertaining to his manuscript "Brother vs. Brother: Divided Families in the Civil War.
Joshua W. Culver Correspondence
The collection includes eight manuscript letters of a Union soldier during the American Civil War, written in Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania; and four letters written to and from other Culver family members.
Danville, Virginia, Military Pass,
The collection consists of a single military pass for Captain F. C. Fisher to Montgomery White Sulphur Springs (Montgomery County, Va.).
Dept. of Northern Virginia General Orders No. 27
This collection contains the Dept. of Northern Virginia General Orders No. 27, dated February 28, 1862, made by General Joseph E. Johnston, written by A. P. Mason, and officially copied by C. R. Holmes. The order indicates two types of signals that will be made, one by night from Capt. Alexander's Quarters and one by day from Centreville, and states that all sentinels on guard are to report when the signals are seen or heard.
Deputy Sheriff Oath, Barbour County, West Virginia
This document is an oath taken by a Deputy Sheriff of Barbour County, West Virginia, stating that he never fought for the Confederate Army during the American Civil War.
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Additional filters:
- Subject
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 167
- Civil War 165
- Montgomery County (Va.) 33
- Women -- History 26
- Blacksburg (Va.) 13
- Correspondence 10
- Wythe County (Va.) 8
- Folk, historical, and patent medicine 7
- Medicine 5
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Diaries 5
- University History 5
- Confederate States of America 4
- Rockbridge County (Va.) 4
- Virginia -- History 4
- Virginia -- Maps 4
- Augusta County (Va.) 3
- Botetourt County (Va.) 3
- Faculty and staff 3
- Ledgers (account books) 3
- Petersburg (Va.) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 3
- Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877) 3
- Slavery -- United States 3
- Students and alumni 3
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Homefront 3
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Poetry 3
- Virginia, Southwest 3
- Abingdon (Va.) 2
- Christiansburg (Va.) 2
- Cloyds Mountain, Battle of, Va., 1864 2
- Diaries 2
- Genealogy 2
- Letters 2
- Maps (documents) 2
- Medicine, Military -- History 2
- Montgomery White Sulphur Springs (Va.) 2
- Poems 2
- Pulaski County (Va.) 2
- Scrapbooks 2
- Staunton (Va.) 2
- Traditional medicine 2
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Desertions 2
- Washington County (Va.) 2
- Account books 1
- African Americans -- History 1
- Agriculture 1
- Atlanta Campaign, 1864 1
- Bath County (Va.) 1
- Buena Vista (Va.) 1
- Carroll County (Va.) 1
- Chickamauga, Battle of, Ga., 1863 1
- Clarke County (Va.) 1
- Cocktail History Collection 1
- Cocktails -- History 1
- Elections -- Virginia 1
- Floyd County (Va.) 1
- History of Food and Drink 1
- Huntsville (Ala.) 1
- Lexington, Virginia 1
- Lynchburg, Battle of, Lynchburg, Va., 1864 1
- Marion (Va.) 1
- New River Bridge, Battle of, Va., 1864 1
- Patrick County (Va.) -- History 1
- Petersburg (Va.) -- History -- Siege, 1864-1865 1
- Photographs 1
- Politicians -- United States 1
- Presidents -- United States 1
- Radford (Va.) 1
- Railroad 1
- Receipts (financial records) 1
- Roanoke (Va.) 1
- Roanoke County (Va.) 1
- Smyth County (Va.) 1
- Tazewell County (Va.) 1
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Battlefields Maps 1
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Regimental Histories 1
- Virginia 1
- West Virginia 1
- Winchester (Va.) 1
- Winchester, 3rd Battle of, Winchester, Va., 1864 1
- World War, 1914-1918 1 + ∧ less
- Names
- Black, Harvey, 1827-1888 2
- Floyd, John B. (John Buchanan), 1806-1863 2
- Graves, Jeremiah White (Pittsylvania County, Va.) 2
- Stevens, W. H., Colonel (Chief Engineer, D.N.V.) 2
- Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College (1872-1896) 2
- Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute (1896-1944) 2
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute (1944-1970) 2
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (1970-) 2
- A. W. Luster 1
- Alexander, Henrie H., d.1916 1
- Alley, Anderson 1
- Amiss, Edwin 1
- Anchy (enslaved person) 1
- Anderson, Joseph R. (Joseph Reid), 1813-1892 1
- Apperson family 1
- Apperson, Alex 1
- Apperson, Elizabeth Black 1
- Apperson, Harvey Black, 1890-1948 1
- Apperson, John Samuel, 1837-1904 1
- Apperson, Mary 1
- Armistead, Mary Frances 1
- Babcock, H. O. 1
- Bailey, Pattie Dobson Talley, b.1888 1
- Baker family 1
- Baker, Joseph J., abt.1841-1931 (54th Regiment, Virginia Infantry) 1
- Baldwin family 1
- Barnes family 1
- Barnes, James H. 1
- Barnes, Thomas Rufus, b. abt. 1842-1864 1
- Barnes, Uz, abt. 1807-1879 1
- Barnett, Joseph Hampton 1
- Basham family (Franklin County, Va.) 1
- Baylor, William Smith Hanger, 1831-1862 1
- Bear family (Augusta County, Va.) 1
- Beckley, Alfred, 1802-1888 1
- Beckwith, John B., 1800-1891 1
- Bernard, Thomas Hill, 1824-1905 1
- Bevell, B. 1
- Beves family 1
- Black family 1
- Black, John H. 1
- Black, Kent, active 1876-1890 1
- Black, Mary Kent, b.1836 1
- Blain, Daniel 1
- Blount, Betty (enslaved person) 1
- Bobbitt family (Carroll County, Va.) 1
- Bobbitt, Greenberry George McKenzie, 1798-1866 1
- Bodell, Dorothy H., 1931-2008 1
- Bradley, Herman J. 1
- Brady, Daniel C. E. (Daniel Charles Elliott), 1821-1878 1
- Breckinridge, John C. (John Cabell), 1821-1875 1
- Briggs, Marian 1
- Brough, John, 1811-1856 1
- Brown family 1
- Brown, Alice 1
- Cameron, Lousia Clarinda Egerton, 1846-1908 1
- Campbell, Donald (Co. K, 12th Regiment [New York State Militia?]) 1
- Campbell, John P. E. (John Place Evans), 1835-1909 (50th Regiment, Virginia Infantry) 1
- Caperton family 1
- Caperton, George Henry (Nelson County, Va.) 1
- Caperton, Mary Elizabeth Henderson (Nelson County, Va.) 1
- Carnahan, John Newton, 1824-1862 1
- Carpenter, Elizabeth 1
- Carpenter, Henry C., d.1864 1
- Carr, John 1
- Cassel, Jacob 1
- Cassell, Charles M., b.1842(?) 1
- Caton, Louise 1
- Chacky, A. M. 1
- Charles Scott and Company 1
- Charlton family 1
- Charlton family (Montgomery County, Va.) 1
- Chase, Hattie 1
- Choate family (Allegheny County, NC) 1
- Clendening, Abram 1
- Cochran, Alexander 1
- Colley, Thomas W., 1837-1919 1
- Compton, John R. 1
- Confederate States of America. Army 1
- Confederate States of America. Army. Department of Northern Virginia 1
- Confederate States of America. Army. Stonewall Brigade 1
- Confederate States of America. Army. Virginia Infantry Regiment, 54th 1
- Confederate States of America. Department of the Treasury 1
- Confederate States of America. War Department 1
- Conrad, Thomas Nelson 1
- Conway, Battaile Fitzhugh Taliaferro 1
- Conway, Catlett, 1840-1920 1
- Conway, Henry 1
- Conway, John C. 1
- Conway, Mary Wallace 1
- Conway, William Buchanan, 1845-1920 1
- Cooke, Giles B. 1
- Cowardin, Alice Bolling, b.1848(?) 1
- Cox, Isaac Carroll, 1843-1925 1
- Craft Family (Botetourt County, Virginia) 1
- Craft, Blanche 1
- Craft, Catherine 1
- Craft, Jacob M. 1
- Crosby, John F. 1
- Culver, Joshua W. 1 + ∧ less